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F Strategies for Picture Discussion

*Where is this place? What helps you to interpret the setting in this way?

*Identify a particular person, or a group of people, and talk about him / her, or them. *Who do you think the PEOPLE in the picture are? *Are they related? If you think they are, give possible REASONS to explain your view. *Why are they in this place?

*Identify particular action/actions that catch/catches your attention, and talk about it/them. *Give possible reasons for the action(s). *Describe the action(s). *Give your personal view on the action(s).

Give Reasons

*How do you think the people in the picture might be feeling? *Describe their feelings and explain why you think they feel that way. *What are your feelings about their actions? *Give possible reasons for their actions. *Give reasons for your own feelings about the people or their actions.

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