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Camphor is widely used by the companies worldwide in manufacturing air freshener, pest control substances, products for colds and coughs, balm or ointments. It is readily absorbed through the skin and produces a feeling of cooling similar to that of menthol and acts as slight local anesthetic and antimicrobial substance.

Camphor is useful, but it may be a common, yet unrecognized, source of seizures in children in certain ethnic populations that use it as a natural remedy. There have been number of cases which prove that ingestion of camphor-containing products is very toxic. Aside from its toxic effects on the liver, it may also cause seizures especially on children.


This journal is very informative and useful. It gives knowledge about the toxic effects of camphor-containing products which many of us are not aware of.

The study made by the Einstein researchers not only proved that camphorcontaining products can cause seizures, but it can also give us ideas on how to handle the said products properly. It is a very good thing that these researchers conducted a study on the said substance


I recommend the public to keep products with camphor out of reach of children because of its harmful effects and because of the possibility that they might ingest some of these products which may lead to serious health problems.

I recommend the government to extend a continued effort to educate communities on the hazards camphor exposure/ingestion to children and to limit the illegal availability of these products


Angeles University Foundation

Angeles City

Clollege of Nursing

Camphor, Found in Some Pest Control Products, May Cause Seizures in Children
A journal reading in partial fulfillment of the requirements on Related Learning Experience

Submitted by:

Daniel Jacob Bautista

Submitted to:

Jomel Lozano, RN

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