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5 Things I Learned 1. Lord Durham was sent by Great Britain to investigate the rebellions of the 2 Canada.

He recommended the 2 Canada unite as one to create the United Province of Canada. 2. The Rebellion Losses Bill was signed by Lord Elgin only to grant Canada West repayment and leave Canada East in the dust because Quebec and the French citizens. Lord Elgin did not agree with the bill. 3. At one point, Canada East was extremely angered by the bill and was considering to join the United States of America and as a result, Parliament buildings in Montreal were burnt down. 4. The Act of Union allowed for cooperation for Canada East and West like build railways for trade and many others. 5. Maritime Reformers wanted to stop patronage (the power to give favours or jobs in return for political support) because of their image of land-granting by small groups of officials.

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