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The Centenary Insignia

The Centenary Logo is an emblem of a noble and glorious past, a living testimony
to the University population’s adherence to the beautiful traits of loyalty,
integrity, love of peace, commitment to service, and undying love of and devotion
to God - essential attributes in the pursuit of academic excellence and progress
in a span of one hundred years (1904-2004).

Standing for the wheel of life is the circle which moves incessantly to give life
to all members of the academic community - the administrators, the professoriate,
the non-academic personnel, and the studentry - walking hand in hand, regardless
of status in life, looking forward to a resplendent life-giving future. As it is,
the wheel of life converges with Information and Communications Technology.

The laurel leaves inside the circle embody good health, peace, harmony, and
prosperity within the ambit of PUP and the global village where the inhabitants
meet as they communicate the same ideals, ideas, and aspirations.

Within the centenary logo is the PUP logo which speaks eloquently of PUP’s vital
role in molding minds, enriching souls, and giving firmer grounds to stand on.

From the circle emanate three big arrows which stand for the rapid growth of high-
tech education in all levels. The University is now cited as the Center of
Development in different disciplines, especially Information and Communications

From the Philippine Flag spring red and blue bands - a symbol of the PUP
community’s respect for nationalism and Filipinism, strengthened by the PUPians’
role in nation-building, courageous outlook, tenacity and contribution to economic

The rising sun emerges through the yellow color imbibing the vision, mission, and
goals of PUP and its endless search for truth, excellence, quality, compassion,
efficiency and effectiveness as it tackles the functions of a University -
instruction, research, extension, and production.

Ten small arrows spring from the circle to herald the University’s concern for
people from all walks of life, through the service and commitment in seven
branches and three campuses throughout the nation.

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