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Type of Diet

Date Ordered/ Date Changed/ Date Discontinued Date Ordered: June 28, 2011 Date Discontinued July 1, 2011


Indication/ Purpose

Specific food taken

Clients Response

Nursing Responsibilities (Prior, During, After)


Nothing per orem means nothing to eat or drink

A pre- operative patient must be NPO before surgery to prevent risk of aspiration during induction of anesthesia


Since the patient was oriented and understand needed interventions, he followed with the doctors prescriptions.

Prior: Verify physicians order Explain the diet prescribed to the patient Instruct patient to withhold oral fluids and foods During: Ensure that the patient strictly follow the diet After Assess for patients condition; how he responds to the diet

Clear Liquid

Date Ordered June 2, 2011

A clear liquid diet consists of transparent liquid foods

It provides some electrolyte such as sodium and potassium. It also gives some energy for patients when normal food intake must be interrupted.

Water Since the patient was oriented and understand needed interventions, he followed with

Prior: Check the physicians order Explain the diet prescribed to the patient During: The nurse should make sure

Type of Exercise

Date ordered/ Date discontinue



Clients Response

Nursing Intervention
Prior Check doctors order for any other considerations needed. Explain the purpose of exercise to the patient. Explain why it is important and how could improve his condition. During Assess patients present condition. Reinforce information as appropriate.


It is one of the main gaits of locomotion and is typically slower than running and other gaits.

Ambulation has been found to be beneficial in the process of recovery and improving bowel function and blood circulation


Assist the patient in moving and walking

Note patients response to activity

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