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The Coexist Project 2008 Executive Committee Meeting MinutesAssessing Progress Towards Stated Company Objective (Encouraging Coexistence

e via Graphic Design) The Executive Committee finds that our primary Message Delivery method, the below pictured Coexist bumper sticker, has been successfully disseminated throughout all fifty states, and has reached 100% levels of recognition and position alignment in the Pacific Northwest and in Austin, Texas:

Current Project Status: The Executive Committee assigns the Project a grade of B+, finding that our efforts have yielded Coexistence among 30 of 42 possible conflicts between belief systems: Christianity Christianity Hinduism Islam Judaism Atheism Taoism Wicca x Peace War Peace Peace Peace Peace Hinduism Peace x War Peace Peace Peace Peace Islam War War War War War War War Judaism Peace Peace War x Peace Peace Peace Atheism Peace Peace War Peace x Peace Peace Taoism Peace Peace War Peace Peace x Peace Wicca Peace Peace War Peace Peace Peace x

Committee Conclusion and Recommendations: Great work so far! However, it is the opinion of the Executive Committee that Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Atheism, Taoism, and Wicca have not engaged in sufficient Outreach efforts towards Islam. We have not yet identified the underlying reason for such bigoted behavior towards Muslims; one possible cause is the global influence of the military/industrial complex, clandestinely working in tandem with Sean Hannity and other right-wing religious zealots. It is the Executive Committees recommendation that future versions of the Coexist bumper sticker will picture a larger Crescent, to assuage the continued hurt feelings within Islam, and will replace the Star of David with the less offensive United Nations logo. Free Mumia.

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