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HYPERTROPHY Myocardial hypertrophy intercalated disc cytoplasm enlarged nucleus

Gross: - heart enlarged - trabecular muscles thickened - increase in weight and size Microscopic: - enlarged cytoplasm and nucleus (increase functional demand) - loss of striations - cytoplasm is bright pink & abundant - only a portion of the heart muscle, not all undergo hypertrophy

2. HYPERPLASIA Nodular hyperplasia, Prostate

fibromascular stroma prostatic nodule (of varying sizes, amorphous) lumen

fibroblast corpora amylacea (pink prostatic secretion)

pseudostratification of epithelium ?mitotic figure ?papilla ?papillary formation *common in elderly *Grossly: bossiliated, gray white, firm or rubbery in consistency, nodule protruding *Microscopically: nodules spongy in appearance *Normally lined by tall columnar cells which then transform into stratified squamous

3. ATROPHY Chronic glomerulonephritits (CGN)

lymphocytic infiltrates (violet dots) hyalinized glomeruli pink colloid substance (protein & other cell products) atropic renal tubule thickened artery

*lining of glomerulus (simple squamous) *function of glomerulus: filtration of body fluids *normally, PCT has small lumen and lined by simple cuboidal while DCT has wider lumen *more than 90% of the glomerulus in CGN is hyalinized (homgenous, glassy pink) *Chronic: lymphocytes; Acute: neutrophils *Predominant inflammatory cells: lymphocytes *Grossly: pallor, granular kidney

ATROPHY Renal Cell Carcinoma renal tubules (atropic pressure) kidney parenchyma tumor cells (clear, vacuolated cytoplasm; pyknotic) ?mitotic figure

*Grossly: huge tumor mass arises from the kidney parenchyma and well circumscribed *compression of the kidney parenchyma (medulla and cortex) - atropic pressure *malignant, there is overgrowth of tumore cells

4. METAPLASIA Chronic cervicitis with Squamous metaplasia cervix mononuclear cells fibromuscular stroma endocervical gland squamo-columnar junction

*Grossly: specimen consists of a firm, light tan, irregular tissue fragments with an aggregate diameter of 1.0cm labeled cervical tissues *exocervix lined with stratified squamous *endocervix: lined with columnar cells *metaplasia occurs in the endocervix because columnar cells are more sensitive

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