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DATE: 15 / 07/2011

1. Correct the following sentences using correctly the SIMPLE PRESENT. a. She do not have a big house. R/ She does not have a big house.

b. They watches TV every night. R/ They watched TV every night. c. He does not plays with his friends on Fridays. R/ He does not play with his friends on Fridays d. Do she study at home? R/ does she study e. Diana work at home every Saturday. R/ Diana works at home every Saturday. 2. Complete the text with the PRESENT SIMPLE of the verb in parenthesis. I work in a private school with a lot of people. We work . (work) all the day together. I like. (like) my job a lot; however, sometimes it is 1(be) too difficult to manage students when they ____.(misbehave) in class. Every day I spend. (spend) hours teaching English. My students have (have) to study hard, but they do not like. (not like) to do homework so much. Anyway, I. love (love) my job and my students. I hope (hope) to get more experience and to be a better teacher. They are (be) really good and intelligent people because when they_______. (follow) instructions, they do (do) a really good job

3. Write the words in the correct order. Make use of PRESENT CONTINUOUS correctly. a. Are / doing / what / you? R/ what are you doing? b. Trying / I / to do / am / my / homework. R/ I am trying my homework to do c. Are / playing / They / on the computer. R/ They are playing on the computer d. Singing / he / is / his/ favorite song. R/ he is singing his favorite song e. We / studying / English / are / not / right now. R/ We are not studying English right now 4. PAST TENSE. Read the dialogue, choose and circle the correct word for each space DEAR ROSE: I was very busy week. Last Monday I played soccer all afternoon. On Tuesday I was in the school swimming pool in the morning. swim I went to see my friends yesterday . We were at Luisa s house and had a really wonderful time together. Today I am resting at home. Write to me soon, a. b. c. d. e. has haves - had was. played - plays play- study. run swim swims - swam. tomorrow yesterday- now- soon . was am were is.

5. PRESENT PERFECT Correct the wrong sentences. a. He have been to Canada. R/ He has been to Canada b. They have not been to Canada. c. R/ They not have been to Canada. d. You have ever been to Colombia e. R/ have you ever been to Colombia f. Carol has cook her dinner. g. R/ Carol has her cook dinner. h. Lucas and Billy has not bought the present. R/ Lucas and Billy has not bought the present.

6. READING SKILLS. Read the following text and then answer the questions. THE PROBLEMS OF THE COLOMBIAM FAMILY In Colombia, the familiar problems cause many social conflicts. The familiar dissolution is the principal cause of the violence that is living in the country. In some cases, children stay abandoned and forced to live in the streets in deplorable conditions, giving up their studies. In other cases, when the father doesnt live at home, the children must work selling candies in the buses or in the semaphores, exposed to the mistreatment and exploitation from the adults. The rich families neither escape to the scourge of the familiar division. Generally, the fights between the parents affect the behavior of the kids, leading them to abandon the home and to be disrespectful with their parents. Sometimes the money permits them to hide the familiar problems using drugs or alcohol. Which is the principal cause of the Colombian violence?

R/ the principal cause of the Colombian violence is the dissolution familiar

What happens with the children abandoned by their parents?

R/ they must work in the traffic lights selling sweet, and exposing itself to I mistreat of the adults

What are the principal problems of the rich families in Colombia? R/ that the children take refuge in the drink and drugs

RESEARCH PROJECT 1. Decide what you think is the best and the most useful invention in the world. Choose an invention from the following list or from your own ideas.

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The computer. The wheel. The car. The mobile phone. The internet. The plane The personal stereo. The train Washing machine Microwave.

2. Do some research to find out information about the invention you have chosen. For example when was it invented and who invented it? Use the internet and some encyclopedia to help you. Get some pictures to illustrate your presentation. 3. Make a list of reasons why the invention you chose is so important.

4. Prepare and oral presentation about the invention you chose. Use the information, the pictures you got from the previous research. Do not forget to mention the reasons why you think the invention is so important.


It is a machine able to process or at a high speed to treat automatically calculations and complicated processes that require a fast taking of decisions, by means of the systematic application of the pre-established criteria, following the instructions of a program, the information that is provided to him, is processed thus to obtain a wished result.

The advance of the technology used in the construction of the Computers and the methods of operation of the same has varied remarkably. This has given rise to that we pruned to distinguish 5 different generations until now. The passage from a generation to another one always has come marked by the following characteristics: Miniaturization of the size. Reliability . Capacity to solve complicated problems. Speed of calculation.

FIRST GENERATION It includes/understands from 1951 to 1959. The company Sperry Rand Corporation constructs UNIVAC I, the first Computer commercially available. The used electronic components were electronic valves, for this reason their

so large very great era and its complicated maintenance. They were warmed up quickly and this forced to use expensive cooling systems. They were of little reliability, the times of computation of the fundamental circuits were of several microseconds, and so the execution of the long programs implied delay, even of several days. The form to execute the works in the Computers of this generation was strictly as a sequence.

SECOND GENERATION It includes/understands from 1959 to 1964. They were designed with scientific direction - administrative. Companies NCR and RCA introduce the first computers constructed completely with denominated components transistors that take the form of paraleleppedos of silicon, the speed of calculation increased considerably. The most popular Computers of this generation were the IBM-1401, IBM-1620, IBM-7090, IBM-7094.

THIRD GENERATION It includes/understands from 1965. The IBM company produces series 360 respectively and 370, constructed with integrated circuits of small scale and great scale, which replace, each of them, to several transistors, occupying smaller space and to smaller cost. These series own virtual memory that allows to optimize the main memory. The computers of this generation characterize themselves by: Use of integrated circuits: which made the reduction possible of the physical size of the Computer, and increased the speed of processing, trustworthiness and precision. Multiprogramming: that it is the execution of several programs simultaneously.

FOURTH GENERATION It includes/understands from 1970. Based on integrated circuits of discharge and average scale of integration with which they are obtained improvements in the physical size, getting to have Pocket computers, they appear the minicomputers and the microcomputers. From 1982 Sun Microsystem it has solved the problems that entail to maintain a computation atmosphere heterogenous, through NFS use (Network File System or File system for Network of Work). This product allows the interconnection of computers of the main suppliers of equipment, such as: IBM, DEC, SUN, Unisys, Hewlett

Packard, AT& T and more than 200 other manufacturers. NFS, can use mass media that are more advisable for the user: Ethernet, Token ring, FDDI, and are totally independent of the operating system that is installed in a certain equipment. Through NFS: It is possible to be shared archives that reside in any equipment connected to the network, without the user must know his origin (transparent access of the information). To execute programs in different machines, following the comparative advantages that an equipment has on another one in a specific function. To share peripheral resources of storage and. To administer the network generally and, to obtain the functionality and security of a distributed computer system.

FIFTH GENERATION For some specialists already beginning the fifth generation, in which one looks for to make the Computer in the sense more powerful that is able to make inferences on a specific problem. One is based on the artificial intelligence. The Hardware of this generation is due to characterize by circuits of optical fiber that allows to major rapidity and independence him of processes, architecture of micro channel for greater fluidity to the systems, this provides major platform number to help to indeed handle to express and the information flow. In addition solutions are looking for to solve the problems of the independence of the solutions and the processes being based for it on Expert systems (of artificial intelligence) able to solve manifolds problems nonstructural and on Computers that can correctly simulate the form to think of the human being.

EL COMPUTADOR Es una mquina capaz de procesar o tratar automticamente a gran velocidad clculos y complicados procesos que requieren una toma rpida de decisiones, mediante la aplicacin sistemtica de los criterios preestablecidos, siguiendo las instrucciones de un programa, la informacin que se le suministra, es procesada para as obtener un resultado deseado.
El avance de la tecnologa empleada en la construccin de los Computadores y los mtodos de explotacin de los mismos ha variado notablemente. Esto ha dado lugar a que podamos distinguir hasta ahora cinco generaciones distintas. El paso de una generacin a otra siempre ha venido marcado por las siguientes caractersticas:

Miniaturizacin del tamao. Fiabilidad. Capacidad para resolver problemas complicados. Velocidad de clculo.


Comprende desde 1951 hasta 1959. La compaa Sperry Rand Corporation construye la UNIVAC I, el primer Computador comercialmente disponible. Los componentes electrnicos usados fueron vlvulas electrnicas, por este motivo su tamao era muy grande y su mantenimiento complicado. Se calentaban rpidamente y esto obligaba a utilizar costosos sistemas de refrigeracin. Eran de escasa fiabilidad, los tiempos de computacin de los circuitos fundamentales eran de varios microsegundos, con lo que la ejecucin de los programas largos implicaba espera, incluso de varios das. La forma de ejecutar los trabajos en los Computadores de esta generacin era estrictamente a modo de secuencia.


Comprende desde 1959 a 1964. Fueron diseadas con orientacin cientfico administrativa. Las compaas NCR y RCA introducen las primeras computadoras construidas completamente a base de componentes denominados transistores que adoptan la forma de paraleleppedos de silicio, la velocidad de clculo aument considerablemente. Los Computadores ms populares de esta generacin fueron el IBM-1401, IBM-1620, IBM-7090, IBM-7094.


ventajas comparativas que tiene un equipo sobre otro en una funcin especfica. Compartir recursos de almacenamiento y perifricos. Administrar la red y en general, obtener la funcionalidad y seguridad de un sistema de computacin distribuida.


Para algunos especialistas ya se inicio la quinta generacin, en la cual se busca hacer ms poderoso el Computador en el sentido que sea capaz de hacer inferencias sobre un problema especfico. Se basa en la inteligencia artificial. El Hardware de esta generacin se debe caracterizar por circuitos de fibra ptica que le permita mayor rapidez e independencia de procesos, arquitectura de micro canal para mayor fluidez a los sistemas, esto provee mayor nmero de vas para ayudar a manejar rpido y efectivamente el flujo de informacin. Adems se estn buscando soluciones para resolver los problemas de la independencia de las soluciones y los procesos basndose para ello en Sistemas Expertos (de inteligencia artificial) capaces de resolver mltiples problemas no estructurados y en Computadores que puedan simular correctamente la forma de pensar del ser humano. Un computador se divide fundamentalmente en dos partes: el Hardware y el Software. El hardware es la parte fsica del computador, la parte tangible; es decir aquello que podemos tocar del computador. El software es la parte lgica del computador, es decir el conjunto de instrucciones que le ordenan al hardware que tarea debe realizar. La Memoria Es la encargada de almacenar toda la informacin que el computador est usando. Las hay de tres tipos y son: Memoria RAM Del ingls Ramdom Access Memory, es la memoria principal. Se caracteriza y diferencia de la memoria ROM porque una vez apagado el sistema operativo, toda la informacin almacenada en la memoria RAM es automticamente borrada. Memoria ROM Del ingls Read Only Memory, Es permanente, ya que lo que permanece en la ROM no se pierde aunque el computador se apague.

Su funcin principal es guardar informacin inicial que el computador necesita para colocarse en marcha una vez que se enciende. Solo sirve para leer. Se puede leer la informacin desde esta memoria y no recibir informacin. Memoria Cach Es aquella que se usa como puente entre el CPU y la memoria RAM para evitar demoras en el procesamiento de los datos. Existen varios ncleos de esta memoria (denominados con la letra L y un nmero, por ejemplo L1). Cuanto menor el nmero ms rpida es la memoria. La memoria Cach es, por proximidad a la CPU, mucho ms rpida que la memoria RAM. Tambin es mucho mas pequea. El bus de Datos o cables de datos Es el conjunto de interconexiones entre las distintas partes del computador que permiten la comunicacin entre todos los dispositivos del mismo. El nmero de buses tiene que ver con el tipo de procesador. Los procesadores de 16 bits (que ya no se fabrican) tenan 24 lneas de bus (16 para los 16 bits y 8 ms para funciones internas de la CPU).

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