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Interaction of the complex [Ag(sulfadimetoxinato)] with BSA

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Monti, Laura; 1Hure, Estela; 1Mosconi, Natalia; 1Pontoriero, Ana; 2Nerli, Bibiana; Pic, Guillermo; 3Atria, Ana Mara; 4Campagnoli, Daro; 1Rizzotto, Marcela* reas 1Inorgnica y 2Fisicoqumica, FCByF, UNR, Suipacha 531, Rosario, Argentina; 3 Facultad de Ciencias Qumicas y Farmacuticas, Universidad de Chile, Casilla 233, Santiago, Chile; 4Facultad de Ingeniera Qumica, UNL, Santiago del Estero 2829, Santa Fe, Argentina. E-mail: Sulfonamides, the first antibiotics effective in humans, can bind to plasma proteins, especially albumin?. The formation of complexes between sulfa drugs and metalic ions is a very extended field of research because it improves the action of the sulfa drug. In the present work we studied the interaction between BSA and the complex Agsulfadimetoxine (Ag-SDM). When water solutions of nitrato de plata and sulfadimetoxine were mix a white solid was obteined, wich was separeted and washed, in different experiences, with water or water and methanol. In both cases the compound was solved in DMSO and later purified through crystalization in methanol camera. Trough elemental microanalisis and determinations of silver content it was found that all the solids were the same compound, with the following ? formula: [Ag(C12H13N4O4S]. The interaction between Ag-SDM with BSA was analized trough UV-visible spectroscopy of solutions of BSA with and without ligand (Ag-SDM and drogas de partida, 5-50 L). An increment in absorbance was found and shifts to shorter wavelenghts in interactions with NaSDM and AgSDM. It was found an saturation effect with NaSDM and a cooperative interaction with AgSDM. The formation of the complex AgSDM would be can produce changes in the mechanism of binding of sulfonamide to BSA.

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