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As per requirement we need the following: 1) We need to normalize the given database up to 3NF.

2) Suppose a student got A grade in 1 subject by one of the instructor and in other he got A+ by other instructor ,by other he got A++,but in one subject he got F grade ,we need to analyze why he got F grade in that subject why that instructor has given him F grade .we need to check the reason is there any personal issues with the instructor. 3) If the student got F grade in suppose 4 subjects and in one of the subject he got A grade we need to check why he has given him A grade what is the reason behind that. 4) On the above basis we need to generate crystal reports for both the instructor and student, That can show the performance of the instructor and student. 5) We also need to show the cardinality of the above database.

Student Student_Rollno Student_Name Address Phone Date of Birth Course_code Class Section

Course Course_code Course_type Course_name Course_cordinator

Instructor_Master Instructor_id Instructor_name Instructor_Address Inst_Phone_no Inst_qaulification Inst_specilisation

Department Depart_id Depart_name Depart_loc

Grade Grade_id Grade_Abbrivate Result_type


Subject Subj_id Subjt_name Subject_type

Subj_id Student_Rollno Subjt_name Remarks Subject_type M_theory M_Practical

Instructor_detail Instruc_id Subjt_id Subj_code1 Subj_code2 Subj_code3 Subj_code4 Subj_code5

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