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Espea, Rosa F.

PD 2 1 The Rise of Animal Law (Reaction Paper)

Animals should be treated with rights too as well as human does so we should have animal laws that will protect them against any abuse and sufferings. Like us, they also have feelings and emotions that we humans should consider, not because they are animals, we should also treat them as animals. This species are not only known as properties but as a part of a family already. David Favre says that "Pets are becoming of increasing importance to individuals and considered part of the family circle, In my opinion, Im greatly impressed on how this people work for the implementation of the animal laws. I believe that in this way, people will learn to respect them as living things also. Some films like the Food, Inc. and such shows how these species are slaughtered. The organization called Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) was one of the early groups that contributed for the laws of animals. One of the cases ALDF handled is the Michael Vick scandal. ALDF drafted a 2008 Virginia law that toughened penalties for dog fighting (Vick, an American football star, was convicted in 2007 on dog fighting charges.) There are also courses now that are based on these types of laws. Also with this, courts will know the proper punishment for cases that involves killing of animals which causes emotional distress for the owner after the death of his/her pet. However, this law will be a harm for lab researchers that uses animals in their lab experiments for that will be against the law, but for me, animals that are being experimented such as rats should also have the rights for these laws. As a result, I am pro in this kind of laws as long as it will be implemented properly. In this way, some of the endangered species of animals will be more protected and animals will be treated just like human beings also. This will also be a lesson for people who keep on abusing their pets.


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