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FCM Media Innovation: Final Year Project Proposal 2 Name Student ID Title Product Category : Ajeerah Binti Faeiz

: 1061104138 : Baby Dumping : Public Service Announcement

Information Malaysia is grappling with the rising cases of abandoned babies, "forcing" the Malaysian police to investigate baby-dumping cases under the Malaysian Penal Code for murder or attempt murder. Statistics showed that from 2005 until current, 472 babies were abandoned by their irresponsible parents of which, 258 were dead and 214 are still alive. One major factor to baby dumping cases is the increasing number of babies conceived out of wedlock which Hospital Kuala Lumpur has recorded 301 cases of such births this year of which 34 babies were delivered by under-18 mothers. There were 472 cases of baby dumping and what the public dont know is that abortions can reach up to 300 cases a day. These are real issues related to baby dumping that the public are not aware. There were almost equal numbers of male and female infants involved, leaving them either dead or homeless. Market situation It is targeted to the youth aged 18 to 25 years old due to the increasing number of babies conceived out of wedlock. Celebration of events such as birthday parties, Valentines Day in extreme manners of young adults encouraged liberal socializing of free sex, which resulted to pregnancy and baby dumping. Issue and Problems The increasing number of murder among youth. Throwing babies from high rise buildings. Abandon babies in toilet just after delivery. Babies thrown in rivers and lakes. Lack of sex education. Easy access to pornography. Poor parental control. Ideas/Concepts Educating youths about social ills such as baby dumping. Abandoned babies awareness Advocating prevention of unplanned pregnancy that resulted to baby dumping. Sponsors Kewaja Rehabilitation centre Johnson & Johnson Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development (KPWKM)


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