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Traffic chaos and insecurity in Beijing and Los Angeles To: Dears Mayor of Beijing, Sir.

Gug Jinlong and Mayor of Los Angeles city, Sir. Antonio Villaraigoso. Friday july 2, 2010 As a citizien, I am worried about the problematic situation of traffic chaos. It is true that the traffic chaos, and more specific, insecurity, has become a conflictive problem of not only the city where I live , but also of the newest emergent cities. In the same line, I wrote to you, mayor of Beijing and Los Angeles, because, they are the cities whose rank the worst traffic density in the entire world and they are destroying our environment. It is known by everyone, specifically the citys Traffic Engineering Department calculates, the traffic chaos is a recent problem of emergent cities where economy increases more quickly than the infrastructure. Los Angeles and Beijing do not have freeways development policies. Despite that, Los Angeles now has the highest population density per square mile. It is time that the State, city or local officials recognize this problem, not as an automobile market problem. It is more than that. It needs first your recognition, that the automobile is here to stay and the number of cars will continue to grow at least the rate of population growth.

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