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Very good, clearly and safety torrent, works great ! How to install: 1.

Mount or burn Disc 1 with Daemon, CloneDrive or other programme like this 2. Open EZ Drummer Programme and install EZ Drummer 3. Than choose from Disc 1 expansion kits wich you want to install 4. Mount or burn Disc 2 and than choose other expansion kits wich you want to in stall 5. Than mount Disc 1 again, open EZ Drummer Programm -> Updates -> EZDrummer_PC_ 102 and run .exe file 6. This will patches all EZ Drummer files wich you installed before 7. Than, open folder EZ Drummer_PC_102 -> Keygen and run keygen.exe 8. Now open Cubase, Nuendo, Reaper, Ableton or programme wich you use it and ope n EZ Drummer as VSTi plugin 9. Now, you will be ask to authorization code. Don?t visit website 10. Simply copy authorization code from keygen to the green link in EZ Drummer i n your Cubase or something else 11. Finish, enjoy it. 100 % works on Windows 7 32bit/64bit versions.

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