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1 .How long have you been in the program?

Seven of the mentees have been in the program for 4-6 months. The remainder of the mentees has only been in the program for 1-3 months. 2. What do you like most? Least? The activities are liked universally by all mentees. Majority of the mentees didnt have any dislikes except, a young lady who has a problem with communicating with her mentor. 3. How has your experience with met or not met your expectations in participating in the program? Many of the mentees feel that the program has met their expectations. One participant said we have mentors that we can hang out with and learn how to communicate with our mentors. A few of the mentees are a little disappointed and feel that their expectations havent been met because they are on the waiting list and have no mentor. 4. In what ways has the program improved for the better or the worse since your enrollment? The mentees feel like the program has improved for the better. y y y The outings have been a lot of fun. Every time I look around we are doing something fun. Consistent activities. It lets me get out of the house.

5. What are the areas of the program that you think could be improved? The mentees had several suggestions to this question. The majority of the suggestions were more contact with their mentor, or more mentors. y y I really dont know my mentor. Mentor coming to see me more.

There were a few mentees that suggested more activities and a few had no suggestions at all.

6. How would you rate the overall experience with the program, the training and the staff? Overall the group of mentees were satisfied with what they are getting from the program.

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