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Imports System.

Math Public Class Form1 Dim FO() As Double Public MM As String Dim Tamc, Tamf, sigIgual, nrodIgual, xD, yD, xP, yP, c, f, CoL, RoW As Integer ' sigigual= pa redim matriz..... nroigual cantidad d filas agregadas 'row y col.. tamao d matriz del tablero completo Dim REstric(,) As String Dim MAtriz1(,) As String Dim MAtrizF(,) As String Dim P As Boolean = False Dim D As Boolean = False Dim idenXs As Boolean = False Private Sub BtnFO_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnFO.Click Dim r As String Dim Pto As String ReDim REstric(Int(Tamf - 1), Int(Tamc + 2)) If TxtNroVar.Text <> "" And TxtNroRest.Text <> "" And MM <> "" Then ReDim FO(Tamc) LblFO.Text = "" 'validando inputbox For I = 0 To Tamc Pto = 0 r = InputBox("Ingrese Coeficiente de X" & I + 1 & "", "Funcin Objetivo", 1, , ) If (r) = "" Then Exit Sub If Mid(r, 1, 1) = "-" Or IsNumeric(Mid(r, 1, 1)) = True Then For x = 2 To Len(r) If Mid(r, x, 1) = "." Then Pto = Pto + 1 If Pto = 0 Or Pto = 2 Then If IsNumeric(Mid(r, x, 1)) = False Then MsgBox("Debe Ingresar slo nmeros", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation) Exit Sub End If ElseIf Pto = 3 Then MsgBox("Debe Ingresar slo nmeros", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation) Exit Sub ElseIf Pto = 1 Then Pto = Pto + 1 End If Next Else MsgBox("Debe Ingresar slo nmeros", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation) Exit Sub End If FO(I) = r Next For I = 0 To FO.Length - 1 If FO(I) > 0 Then LblFO.Text = LblFO.Text & " + " & FO(I) & "X" & I + 1 Else LblFO.Text = LblFO.Text & " - " & Mid(FO(I), 2, Len(FO(I))) & "X" & I + 1 End If Next LblFO.Text = MM & " " & LblFO.Text BtnFO.Enabled = False BtnCalcular.Enabled = True Else MsgBox("Debe seleccionar Maximizar o Minimizar", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Funcin Objetivo") RtnMax.Focus() End If End Sub Private Sub ValidarNumero(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles TxtNroRest.KeyPress, TxtNroVar.KeyPress

If Not (Char.IsDigit(e.KeyChar) Or Asc(e.KeyChar) = 8) Then e.Handled = True End If End Sub Private Sub BtnCalcular_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnCalcular.Click Dim m As Integer sigIgual = -1 nrodIgual = 0 If MM = "MIN" Then For i = 0 To Tamc FO(i) = Val(FO(i)) * (-1) MM = "MAX" Next End If For j = 0 To Tamf - 1 For i = 0 To Tamc + 2 If DGRestr.Item(i, j).Value = "" Then MsgBox("Debe ingresar las Restricciones", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Mtodo Simplex") Exit Sub End If Next Next DGRestr.ReadOnly = True BtnCalcular.Enabled = False For i = 0 To Tamf - 1 If DGRestr.Item(Tamc + 1, i).Value = "=" Then sigIgual = sigIgual + 1 End If Next ReDim REstric(Int(Tamf + sigIgual), Int(Tamc + 2)) For i = 0 To Tamf - 1 If REstric(m, 0) <> "" Then m = m + 1 i = i - 1 Else If DGRestr.Item(Tamc + 1, i).Value = ">=" Then For n = 0 To Tamc REstric(m, n) = -1 * DGRestr.Item(n, i).Value Next REstric(m, Tamc + 1) = -1 * DGRestr.Item(Tamc + 2, i).Value REstric(m, Tamc + 2) = "S" & m + 1 m = i ElseIf DGRestr.Item(Tamc + 1, i).Value = "=" Then For n = 0 To Tamc REstric(m, n) = DGRestr.Item(n, i).Value REstric(m + 1, n) = -1 * DGRestr.Item(n, i).Value Next REstric(m, Tamc + 1) = DGRestr.Item(Tamc + 2, i).Value REstric(m, Tamc + 2) = "H" & m + 1 REstric(m + 1, Tamc + 1) = -1 * DGRestr.Item(Tamc + 2, i).Value REstric(m + 1, Tamc + 2) = "S" & m + 2 nrodIgual = nrodIgual + 1 Else For n = 0 To Tamc REstric(m, n) = DGRestr.Item(n, i).Value Next REstric(m, Tamc + 1) = DGRestr.Item(Tamc + 2, i).Value REstric(m, Tamc + 2) = "H" & m + 1 m = i End If End If Next CoL = Tamc + 3 RoW = Tamf + 2 + nrodIgual Tablero() If D = False And P = False Then

MsgBox("No tiene solucion", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "Simplex") 'BtnSensibilidad.Enabled = False Exit Sub End If Do If D = True And P = True Then MContribucion() End If If P = True Then c = xP f = yP SimPlex() P = False 'MsgBox("primal") ElseIf D = True Then c = xD f = yD SimPlex() D = False 'MsgBox("dual") End If 'completando datos For i = 0 To CoL For j = 0 To RoW MAtriz1(j, i) = MAtrizF(j, i) Next Next Primal() Dual() Loop While (D = True Or P = True) If D = False And P = False Then tabFinal() End If BtnSensibilidad.Enabled = True End Sub Sub SimPlex() 'c=col ... f=fila coordenadas dl var d entrant con variabl salient ReDim MAtrizF(RoW, CoL) MAtrizF(f, c) = (MAtriz1(f, c)) ^ -1 'pivot 'intercambiando vars For j = 0 To 1 MAtrizF(j, c) = MAtriz1(f, j) MAtrizF(f, j) = MAtriz1(j, c) Next 'vars entrants -> columna For j = 2 To RoW If j <> f Then MAtrizF(j, c) = -1 * (MAtriz1(j, c)) / (MAtriz1(f, c)) End If Next 'vars salients-> fila For i = 2 To CoL If i <> c Then MAtrizF(f, i) = (MAtriz1(f, i)) / (MAtriz1(f, c)) End If Next 'regla simple pa casilleros en matriz For i = 2 To CoL If i <> c Then For j = 2 To RoW If j <> f Then MAtrizF(j, i) = (MAtriz1(j, i)) - (((MAtriz1(j, c)) * (MAtriz1(f, i))) / (MAtriz1(f, c))) End If Next End If Next 'completando datos For i = 0 To CoL For j = 0 To RoW

If MAtrizF(j, i) = "" Then MAtrizF(j, i) = MAtriz1(j, i) End If Next Next End Sub Private Sub tabFinal() 'del tablero final evaluar LD y Zj positivos pa hallar opti y facti Dim LDp, ZJp As Integer 'valores LD positivos For j = 2 To RoW - 1 If MAtrizF(j, CoL) >= 0 Then LDp = LDp + 1 End If Next If LDp <> (RoW - 2) Then LblComentario.Text = LblComentario.Text & "- No es Factible -" 'BtnSensibilidad.Enabled = False End If 'valores ZJ positivos For i = 2 To CoL - 1 If MAtrizF(RoW, i) > 0 Then ZJp = ZJp + 1 End If Next If ZJp <> (CoL - 2) Then LblComentario.Text = LblComentario.Text & "- No es Optimo -" 'BtnSensibilidad.Enabled = False End If 'todos positivos.. OPTIMO If LDp = (RoW - 2) And ZJp = (CoL - 2) Then MsgBox("Tablero Optimo", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "Simplex") idenXs = True If Mid(LblFO.Text, 1, 3) = "MIN" Then LblZ.Text = "Valor de Z = " & -1 * Format(Val(MAtrizF(RoW, CoL)), "0.00") Else LblZ.Text = "Valor de Z = " & Format(Val(MAtrizF(RoW, CoL)), "0.00") End If End If MostrarTablero() End Sub Private Sub MostrarTablero() DGResul.ColumnCount = 0 DGResul.RowCount = 0 DGResul.ColumnCount = CoL + 1 DGResul.RowCount = RoW + 1 For i = 0 To CoL For j = 0 To RoW If i > 1 And j > 1 Then DGResul.Item(i, j).Value = Format(Val(MAtrizF(j, i)), "0.00") Else DGResul.Item(i, j).Value = MAtrizF(j, i) End If Next Next 'IDENTIFICANDO VARIABLES Xs If idenXs = True Then For j = 2 To RoW - 1 If Mid(MAtrizF(j, 1), 1, 1) LblXs.Text = LblXs.Text CoL)), "0.00") End If Next For I = 2 To CoL - 1 If Mid(MAtrizF(1, I), 1, 1) LblXs.Text = LblXs.Text End If

= "X" Then & " " & MAtrizF(j, 1) & " = " & Format(Val(MAtrizF(j,

= "X" Then & " " & MAtrizF(1, I) & " = 0 "

Next BtnSensibilidad.Enabled = True Else MsgBox("No tiene solucin", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "Simplex") BtnSensibilidad.Enabled = False End If End Sub Private Sub Tablero() 'i=col ... j=fila ReDim MAtriz1(Int(RoW), Int(CoL)) 'almacenando el vector de funcion objetivo FO. y zj For i = 0 To FO.Length - 1 MAtriz1(0, i + 2) = FO(i) MAtriz1(RoW, i + 2) = -1 * FO(i) Next 'almacenando las restriccions For j = 0 To Tamf + sigIgual For i = 0 To Tamc + 1 MAtriz1(j + 2, i + 2) = REstric(j, i) MAtriz1(j + 2, 1) = REstric(j, Tamc + 2) Next Next 'almacenando las nombre variabls Xi restriccions For i = 0 To Tamc MAtriz1(1, i + 2) = DGRestr.Columns(i).Name Next 'completando con 0 For j = 2 To RoW - 1 MAtriz1(j, 0) = "0" Next Primal() Dual() End Sub Private Sub Primal() Dim AuxP As Integer 'i,x=col ... j,y=fila xP = 0 yP = 0 If P = False Then 'valores zj negativos For i = 2 To CoL - 1 If MAtriz1(RoW, i) < 0 Then If AuxP > MAtriz1(RoW, i) Then AuxP = MAtriz1(RoW, i) xP = i End If End If Next 'hallando pivote primal If AuxP < 0 Then AuxP = 0 For j = 2 To RoW - 1 If MAtriz1(j, xP) > 0 Then If MAtriz1(j, CoL) >= 0 Then If AuxP = 0 Then AuxP = Abs(Val(MAtriz1(j, CoL)) / Val(MAtriz1(j, xP))) yP = j P = 1 ElseIf AuxP > Abs((Val(MAtriz1(j, CoL)) / Val(MAtriz1(j, xP)))) Then AuxP = Abs(Val(MAtriz1(j, CoL)) / Val(MAtriz1(j, xP))) yP = j P = 1 End If End If End If Next End If Else MsgBox("primal") End If

'MsgBox(P & " " & MAtriz1(yP, n) & " " & MAtriz1(m, xP) & " " & MAtriz1(yP, xP)) End Sub Private Sub Dual() Dim AuxD As Integer = 0 'i,x=col ... j,y=fila .... x,y fijos Dim vNeg As Boolean = False xD = 0 yD = 0 If D = False Then 'valores LD negativos For j = 2 To RoW - 1 If MAtriz1(j, CoL) <= 0 Then If AuxD > MAtriz1(j, CoL) Then AuxD = MAtriz1(j, CoL) yD = j End If End If Next 'valores ZJ positivos For i = 2 To CoL - 1 If MAtriz1(RoW, i) > 0 Then vNeg = True End If Next If vNeg = False Or yD = 0 Then 'MsgBox(D & " " & MAtriz1(yD, CoL) & " " & MAtriz1(RoW, xD) & " " & MAtriz1(yD, xD)) Exit Sub End If If AuxD < 0 Then AuxD = 0 For i = 2 To CoL - 1 If MAtriz1(yD, i) < 0 Then If MAtriz1(RoW, i) >= 0 Then If AuxD = 0 Then AuxD = Abs(Val(MAtriz1(RoW, i)) / Val(MAtriz1(yD, i))) xD = i D = True ElseIf AuxD > Abs(Val(MAtriz1(RoW, i)) / Val(MAtriz1(yD, i))) Then AuxD = Abs(Val(MAtriz1(RoW, i)) / Val(MAtriz1(yD, i))) xD = i D = True End If End If End If Next End If Else MsgBox("dual") End If 'MsgBox(D & " " & MAtriz1(yD, n) & " " & MAtriz1(m, xD) & " " & MAtriz1(yD, xD)) 'MsgBox(PivoteD & " " & D & " " & MAtriz1(m, xD) & " " & LD) End Sub Private Sub MContribucion() Dim MCont As Integer If P = True And D = True Then P = False D = False MCont = Abs((MAtriz1(RoW, xP) / MAtriz1(yP, xP)) * MAtriz1(yP, CoL)) If MCont < Abs((MAtriz1(RoW, xD) / MAtriz1(yD, xD)) * MAtriz1(yD, CoL)) Then MCont = Abs((MAtriz1(RoW, xD) / MAtriz1(yD, xD)) * MAtriz1(yD, CoL)) D = True Else P = True End If End If

End Sub Private Sub BtnCrear_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnCrear.Click If TxtNroVar.Text <> "" And TxtNroRest.Text <> "" And TxtNroVar.Text <> "0" And TxtNroRest.Text <> "0" Then DGRestr.ColumnCount = TxtNroVar.Text + 2 DGRestr.RowCount = TxtNroRest.Text Tamf = DGRestr.RowCount Tamc = DGRestr.ColumnCount - 3 For I = 0 To Tamc DGRestr.Columns(I).Name = "X" & Int(I + 1) Next DGRestr.Columns(DGRestr.ColumnCount - 2).Name = "Signo" DGRestr.Columns(DGRestr.ColumnCount - 1).Name = " LD " BtnFO.Enabled = True Else MsgBox("Debe Completar Informacin", MsgBoxStyle.Critical) TxtNroVar.Focus() End If NroEnFilas() BtnCrear.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub RtnMin_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RtnMin.Click MM = "MIN" End Sub Private Sub RtnMax_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RtnMax.Click MM = "MAX" End Sub 'para validacion de datagridview Private Sub DGRestr_EditingControlShowing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewEditingControlShowingEventArgs) Handles DGRestr.EditingControlShowing ' referencia a la celda Dim validar As TextBox = CType(e.Control, TextBox) ' agregar el controlador de eventos para el KeyPress AddHandler validar.KeyPress, AddressOf validar_Keypress End Sub 'evento Keypress ''''''''''''''''''' Private Sub validar_Keypress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Dim caracter As Char = e.KeyChar Dim columna As Integer = DGRestr.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex ' comprobar si la celda en edicin corresponde a la columna del signo If columna = Tamc + 1 Then ' Obtener caracter ' comprobar si el caracter es un nmero o el retroceso If Not (Asc(e.KeyChar) = 60 Or Asc(e.KeyChar) = 61 Or Asc(e.KeyChar) = 62 Or (caracter = ChrW(Keys.LShiftKey)) And (caracter = ChrW(Keys.RShiftKey)) Or (caracter = ChrW(Keys.Back))) Then e.KeyChar = Chr(0) End If Else ' comprobar si el caracter es un nmero o el retroceso 'If Char.IsNumber(caracter) Or (caracter = ChrW(Keys.Back)) Or (Asc(e.KeyChar) = 46) Or ((Asc(e.KeyChar) = 45)) Then ' ' (Asc(e.KeyChar) = 45) ' pa scribir negativo ' If (((Asc(e.KeyChar) = 45))) Then ' If SnEg = False Then ' SnEg = True ' Else

' e.KeyChar = Chr(0) ' End If ' End If 'Else ' e.KeyChar = Chr(0) 'End If If Not Char.IsNumber(caracter) And (caracter = ChrW(Keys.Back)) = False And Not ((Asc(e.KeyChar) = 46) Or ((Asc(e.KeyChar) = 45))) Then ' (Asc(e.KeyChar) = 45) ' pa scribir negativo e.KeyChar = Chr(0) End If End If End Sub Private Sub BtnNuevo_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) End Sub Private Sub BtnSensibilidad_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnSensibilidad.Click 'IDENTIFICANDO VARIABLES Xs Optimalidad() Factibilidad() BtnSensibilidad.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub Optimalidad() Dim Xs As Integer = -1 Dim OpTi As Double 'operacions Dim Opt(FO.Length) As Double DGOptimalidad.RowCount = FO.Length DGOptimalidad.ColumnCount = 3 DGOptimalidad.Columns(2).Name = "Incrementa" DGOptimalidad.Columns(0).Name = "Decrementa" For j = 2 To RoW - 1 If Mid(DGResul.Item(1, j).Value, 1, 1) = "X" Then Xs = Xs + 1 DGOptimalidad.Item(1, Xs).Value = "C" & Mid(DGResul.Item(1, j).Value, 2, 1) & " = " & DGResul.Item(0, j).Value For i = 2 To CoL - 1 OpTi = 0 For xR = 2 To RoW - 1 If xR <> j Then OpTi = OpTi + DGResul.Item(0, xR).Value * DGResul.Item(i, xR).Value End If Next Opt(i - 1) = (-1 * (OpTi - DGResul.Item(i, 0).Value)) / DGResul.Item(i, j).Value Next Opt(0) = DGResul.Item(0, j).Value Array.Sort(Opt) For i = 0 To Opt.Length - 1 If DGResul.Item(0, j).Value = Opt(i) Then If i + 1 <= Opt.Length - 1 Then If DGResul.Item(0, j).Value = Opt(i + 1) Then i = i + 1 End If If i - 1 < 0 Then DGOptimalidad.Item(0, Xs).Value = "Infinito" DGOptimalidad.Item(2, Xs).Value = Format(Opt(i + 1), "0.00") Exit For ElseIf i + 1 > Opt.Length - 1 Then DGOptimalidad.Item(0, Xs).Value = Format(Opt(i - 1), "0.00") DGOptimalidad.Item(2, Xs).Value = "Infinito" Exit For End If DGOptimalidad.Item(0, Xs).Value = Format(Opt(i - 1), "0.00") DGOptimalidad.Item(2, Xs).Value = Format(Opt(i + 1), "0.00") Exit For End If Next

End If Next For i = 2 To CoL - 1 If Mid(DGResul.Item(i, 1).Value, 1, 1) = "X" Then Xs = Xs + 1 DGOptimalidad.Item(1, Xs).Value = "C" & Mid(DGResul.Item(i, 1).Value, 2, 1) & " = " & DGResul.Item(i, 0).Value OpTi = 0 For j = 2 To RoW - 1 OpTi = OpTi + DGResul.Item(0, j).Value * DGResul.Item(i, j).Value Next If OpTi < DGResul.Item(i, 0).Value Then DGOptimalidad.Item(0, Xs).Value = Format(OpTi, "0.00") DGOptimalidad.Item(2, Xs).Value = "Infinito" Else DGOptimalidad.Item(0, Xs).Value = "Infinito" DGOptimalidad.Item(2, Xs).Value = Format(OpTi, "0.00") End If End If Next End Sub Private Sub Factibilidad() Dim Fac(RoW - 3, RoW - 2) As Double Dim FacF(RoW - 2) As Double 'matriz final Dim x As Double = 1 Dim FactI As Integer = 0 DGFactibilidad.RowCount = RoW - 2 DGFactibilidad.ColumnCount = 3 DGFactibilidad.Columns(2).Name = "Incrementa" DGFactibilidad.Columns(0).Name = "Decrementa" Do For i = 2 To CoL - 1 If Mid(DGResul.Item(i, 1).Value, 1, 1) <> "X" Then If Mid(DGResul.Item(i, 1).Value, 2, 1) = x Then For j = 0 To RoW - 3 Fac(j, x - 1) = DGResul.Item(i, j + 2).Value Next x = x + 1 End If End If Next For j = 2 To RoW - 1 If Mid(DGResul.Item(1, j).Value, 1, 1) <> "X" Then If Mid(DGResul.Item(1, j).Value, 2, 1) = x Then For i = 0 To RoW - 3 If j - 2 = i Then Fac(i, x - 1) = 1 Else Fac(i, x - 1) = 0 End If Next x = x + 1 End If End If Next Loop While (x <> (RoW - 1)) 'formando matriz For j = 0 To RoW - 3 Fac(j, RoW - 2) = REstric(j, Tamc + 1) Next 'operando For j = 0 To (RoW - 3) DGFactibilidad.Item(1, j).Value = "b" & (j + 1) & " = " & REstric(j, Tamc + 1) For iR = 0 To (RoW - 3) FactI = 0 x = Fac(iR, j) For i = 0 To (RoW - 3) If j <> i Then FactI = FactI + (Fac(iR, i) * Fac(i, RoW - 2))

End If Next FacF(iR) = (-1 * FactI) / x Next FacF(RoW - 2) = Fac(j, RoW - 2) Array.Sort(FacF) For i = 0 To FacF.Length - 1 If Fac(j, RoW - 2) = FacF(i) Then If i + 1 <= FacF.Length - 1 Then If Fac(j, RoW - 2) = FacF(i + 1) Then i = i + 1 End If If i - 1 < 0 Then DGFactibilidad.Item(0, j).Value = "Infinito" DGFactibilidad.Item(2, j).Value = Format(FacF(i + Exit For ElseIf i + 1 > FacF.Length - 1 Then DGFactibilidad.Item(0, j).Value = Format(FacF(i DGFactibilidad.Item(2, j).Value = "Infinito" Exit For End If DGFactibilidad.Item(0, j).Value = Format(FacF(i - 1), DGFactibilidad.Item(2, j).Value = Format(FacF(i + 1), Exit For End If 'End If Next Next End Sub

1), "0.00") 1), "0.00")

"0.00") "0.00")

Private Sub NroEnFilas() Dim rowNumber As Integer = 1 For Each row As DataGridViewRow In DGRestr.Rows If row.IsNewRow Then Continue For row.HeaderCell.Value = rowNumber.ToString rowNumber = rowNumber + 1 Next 'DGRestr.AutoResizeRowHeadersWidth(DataGridViewRowHeadersWidthSizeMode.AutoSizeToDisplayedH eaders) DGRestr.RowHeadersWidth = 40 End Sub Private Sub SalirToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Dispose() End Sub Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load End Sub End Class

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