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ENGLISH RECOVERING. SECOND PERIOD. 1. Complete the sentences: She _____________ to her teacher. He ______________ to the bank.

the bank. I _______________ my homework. You _____________ T.V with your family. She _____________ her bike. He _____________ for the Spanish exam. We ____________ in the park. They ____________ a delicious pizza. He _____________ a glass of soda. We ____________ basketball in the school. Fix Study Run Write Go Listen Drink Watch Play Eat

2. Complete the chart: Affirmative She flies her kite in the park. We sleep all afternoons. He likes that house. I dont sing in English class. She doesnt jump on her bed. You dont draw the map. 3. Write a sentence with each adjective. Use the Superlatives. Big. Expensive Happy Dirty Intelligent Old Short Tall Thin Beautiful FECHA DE ENTREGA: AGOSTO 8 EN HOJA EXAMEN. ESTUDIAR PARA EXAMEN ESCRITO. Negative

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