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A cauda equina lesion:

1. Causes pyramidal tract signs 2. Causes Saddle anaesthesia 3. May be caused by a protruding intervertebral disc 4. Causes dissociated sensory loss in the feet 5. May present with urinary retention

Common features of multiple sclerosis include:

1. A progressive downhill course without remissions especially if the disease begins in early adult life 2. Episodes of blindness in one or other eye 3. Ataxic nystagmus 4. Spastic paraparesis 5. Urgency of micturition

The following infections and conditions are correctly associated:

1. Borrelia & facial palsy 2. Camplylobacter jejuni & Guillian Barre syndrome 3. Neisseria & Meningococal meningitis 4. HTLVI & myelopathy 5. JC virus & progressive multifocal leukencephalopathy

Of hernias:
1. Femoral hernias are relatively more common in women than in men 2. Sliding diaphragmatic hiatus hernias should always be treated surgically 3. Indirect and direct inguinal hernias can be distinguished by palpation of the inferior epigastric artery at operation 4. Indirect inguinal hernias rarely enter the scrotum 5. Femoral hernias cannot be controlled by a truss

Features of alcohol dependence include:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Efforts to stop drinking Anxiety symptoms Global amnesia Reduced MCV Early morning waking

Acute pancreatitis:
1. Is sometimes associated with primary thyrotoxicosis 2. May follow trauma 3. Is often associated with gallstones 4. May be related to excessive alcohol consumption 5. Is associated with a stone in the parotid duct

The following occupations are associated with lung disease

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Coal mining Gold mining Farming Zoo-keeping Oil-refining

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Is a complication of asthma Is a complication of tuberculosis Predisposes to bronchial carcinoma Causes amyloid Requires surgery for effective treatment in most cases

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