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What is a lipoma? A lipoma is a lump or mass that is made up of fat cells (adipocytes). Lipomas are a common, benign (noncancerous) type of slowgrowing tumor

What are the symptoms of a lipoma? The symptoms of a lipoma typically include the formation of a lump or multiple lumps under the skin.

Cause: people develop lipomas is not known, although family history appears to play a role.

Common risk factors for lipomas include: -Dercum disease (also known as adiposis dolorosa, which causes multiple painful lipomas and other serious problems, such as mental health and neurological issues) -Family history of lipomas -Familial multiple lipomatosis (rare inherited condition involving the development of multiple benign lipomas) -Gardner syndrome (rare inherited condition involving noncancerous or precancerous tissue masses that form in and under the skin and in different organs) -Middle age and older

Treatments: -Liposuction -Steroid injections, which can shrink but not completely eliminate lipomas -Surgical procedures to remove lipomas (excision) -Other treatments or further diagnostic evaluations may be needed to determine the cause of the lump or to determine whether it is cancerous.

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