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Description: This dish is very easy to prepare and it can be served with Chapatis, Naan's etc.

Lets check the recipe. Ingredients: 1. Eggs - 4 2. Onion - 1/2 3. Green Chilli - 2 4. Garlic 5. Ginger 6. Potato - 1 7. Tomato Puree 8. Pepper powder - 1 tsp 9. Turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp 10. Chili powder - 1tsp 11. Corinder powder - 1/2 tsp 12. Garam masal - 1/2 tsp 13. Salt to taste Procedure: First beat the Eggs in a bowl. Egg yolk we can use it or avoid it, either ways. After beating the egg add Salt, little chili powder, little pepper powder and make Egg scramble. When the Egg is almost done add Tomato puree into the scramble. Once the Egg scramble is ready keep it aside. Chop the Onions, Green chilis ,Ginger into small pieces and Potatoes in cube shapes .We can add Capsicum also in this preparation. Crush the Garlic. Take a pan, pour oil in it. Add Garlic, Giner and Green chili, saute for few seconds. Next add the Onions, saute it till Onions becomes transparent. Now add the Chili powder, Turmeric powder, Garam masala, Corinder powder and stir in well. Check salt as required in between. Stir well for 1 minute so that the masalas mix well with the other ingredients. Add the potatoes at this point of time and close the lid allowing it to cook well. Remember not to add water, as we are making it dry. Almost after 7-8 minutes the potatoes will be cooked. Now add the Egg scramble into this and mix well. Add some more pepper powder. Stir well for few seconds and switch of the stove. Garnish with Corinder leaves and the dish is ready to be served.

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