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Skin Preparation: Clean with alcohol or usual skin prep, if necessary. If the patients are very hairy shave the electrode areas. Trouble Shooting. When no signal or a poor signal is observed the following should be considered: 1. Have the cables been correctly connected? 2. Is the equipment functioning correctly? 3. Could external electrical equipment interference be a problem? 4. Was skin preparation adequate? 5. Could the electrodes suffer from a) gel dry out? b) Poor adhesion? 12 Lead (10 Electrode) Placement Guide:

V1: Fourth intercostal space to the right of the sternum. V2: Fourth intercostal space to the Left of the sternum. V3: Directly between leads V2 and V4. V4: Fifth intercostal space at midclavicular line. V5: Level with V4 at left anterior axillary line. V6: Level with V5 at left midaxillary line. (Directly under the midpoint of the armpit)

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