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What are they going to do when they say theyre going to fly? What do they do? What punishment does Landon receive? What is the relationship between Landon and his father? What was the relationship between Landon and Belinda? Who is Clay? Who is Jamie? What was Landon asked to do? After acting class Landon is being taken home by Jamie, who does he hide from? 10. Who is Jamies father? 11. What is his opinion about Landon? 12. On his way home, who does Landon find in the cementery? Why? 13. What does Landon say to Jamie when she says Shall we meet after school? 14. What is Landons proposal to Jamie?
Booty: any valuable items or money stolen by an army at war or by thieves Tresspasser: someone who goes onto someone's land or enter their building without permission Peer pressure: the strong influence of a group, especially of children, on members of that group to behave as everyone else does Fiery: showing very strong feeling Forfeit: something that you have lost the right to do or have because you have broken a rule 2 pay a forfeit to give up something, especially in a game Befriend: to be friendly towards someone Flatter: to praise someone in order to make them feel attractive or important, sometimes in a way that is not sincere Trashy: worthless and of low quality

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

(35 first minutes)

1. When acting, why doesnt Landon remember the script? 2. Why are Belinda and Jamies father worried? 3. What does Landon give Jamie? 4. Why is Landon angry with his father? 5. Waht do Landons friends do? 6. What does Landon do? 7. What does Landon ask Jamie? 8. What does she answer? 9. What does Landon do to dinner out with Jamie? 10. What do they do after dinner? 11. What is Landons priority? 12. What does Landon stick on Jamies shoulder? 13. What does Jamie tell Landon when he kisses her? 14. What does Jamie say her number one is? 15. What does Landons mother tell him about Jamie? 16. What does Jamie tell Landon?
Belly flop: an awkward jump into water in which a person's stomach hits the water Booze: informal alcohol Dope: cannabis, or, more generally, any type of illegal drug Spat: a short argument, usually about something unimportant Buddy: informal friend Bod: informal person Mock: to make something appear stupid or useless To sow: to cause a bad emotion or condition to begin somewhere, which will grow or continue

(35 first minutes- 1.10)

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