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Exemplar essay plan:

Examine the evidence for and against the theory that the moon is made of cheese

Introduction: Define cheese and outline the main theories- Cheese Theory (Mouse, 1962, see p.47 of course book) and Rock Theory (Duck, 1967, on pages 329-31) Main body: Paragraphs 1-3: Outline Mouses theory: para 1: moon has holes in it like cheese, p.48, para 2: moon is often yellow like cheese, p.50, para 3: moon makes people happy like cheese, p.52 Paragraphs 4-6: Compare with Ducks theory para 4: moon resembles rock, not cheese, p.329, para 5: holes in moon are craters caused by meteorites, p.330, para 6: moon looks yellow because of reflected sunlight, p.330. Paragraphs 7-8: Discuss how 1969 moon landings affected this debate para 7: scientists brought back rock samples but found no cheese (Goofy, 1972, on page 567 of course book) para 8: Mouses response to this (the cheese is underground, course book p.568), Ducks reply (suggests that Mouse is obsessed with cheese, p.569)

Conclusion: The moon is made of rock, not cheese: Theorists are still debating the question. But, as Duck and Goofy show, there is far more evidence that the moon is made of rock. Future studies are clearly needed to confirm this, but at the moment the evidence suggests that the moon is not made of cheese.

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