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tiger clause

Becoming engaged in fierce battle, have ta lighten my saddle dunno if you care or if youll be there when Im through. But if you must know into battle I go with my eyes solely on You til I come back from battle, Victoriously! For although Im a fighter for the truth and whats righter Your beautiful face was all I could see! Yet doleful fate had me wait and led me to believe, something had detained the maiden, with whom Id rather be sun bathin, you see. For aft I left her with prose poetic mementos of endearment from me the next day I discovered she was off with another and had nera shred of care for me! Oh, dear God! Such merciless discovery was truly More Sickening than War to me! Im So sick of beguile! I marched straight back to battle n prayed God take care of it for me!

2011 All rights reserved, Amelia

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