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Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb To the honorable guests and friends that I love.

Let me here say a few words about my experience while studying here. I am very proud and pleased to have been studying in this school because the teachers here is very patient and really guided us. We recognize the many mistakes we have done but the teachers here is very forgiving and not get bored always advise us in good. With guidance and patience of the teachers here we have gained a lot of knowledge and thank God we all have passed the final exam. We believe that the science that we can while studying here will be useful for the future and we will make every effort possible in order to even become a better man. Me and my friends here to apologize if during this learning we have been troubling the teachers here. We are aware of all the mistakes and we promise not to repeat it in order to become a man of noble and beneficial for others. Once again we thank you and we will never forget the services of all teachers here. We also ask your blessings from the teachers here to follow us in order to take higher level science. May Allah We can not give anything as our gratitude but we always pray for the teachers here to always given the glory and the spaciousness of living. The teachers here really are unsung heroes, may Allah return all the kindness that has been the teachers give to us.

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