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Examples of ATTRITION

1. Attrition is high among social workers because of the difficult work and poor pay. 2. <took the machinery out of operation since attrition had led to the main mechanism's

3. His first response was a plan to streamline management, reducing the company's white-

collar ranks through attrition. An old-school CEO who had been with Stanley most of his adult life, Davis considered layoffs a last resort. But by the time he stepped down as CEO in 1987, hundreds of factory workers had lost their jobs on his orders. James Lardner, New York Review of Books, 14 June 2007

4. Latin attrition-, attritio, from atterere to rub against, from ad- + terere to rub more at

throw 5. First Known Use: 14th century

Latin attrition-, attritio, from atterere to rub against, from ad- + terere to rub more at throw First Known Use: 14th century

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