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Illustrious author Jack London journeyed to Alaska in 1897.

Eleven years later, he wrote one of his most appreciated works, "To build a fire", based on his rich experiences in this sub-polar area. In Jack London's "To Build a Fire", a man is faced with extreme cold in the Yukon Territory of Canada. While travelling with his subservient husky dog companion, he encounters a series of events which show the frailty of man and his lack of knowledge of it. From the onset of the story, he is fully aware he is on the verge of commencing a progression in the forest although the temperature is extremely cold and he is bound to be short of supplies. At this very moment of his journey, not only did he ignore the advice of the old-timer from Sulphur Creek, who warned him that "no man must travel alone in the Klondike after fifty below", but he also makes every efforts to reduce his chances of success. He could have decided not to engage in this journey and he can still make the choice to turn back. The author paints a picture of a man seemingly in control with his arctic surroundings. Through the reading, We start to see the early sign of hypothermia as the author explains The man's numbed cheek-bones and hands. The dog slinked at the man's heels Knowing in his heart that it wasn't the time to travel. The use of descriptive writing in this story is vivid. The author uses most of all feeling to describe the cold but also uses sight, smell, taste, and hearing. The central idea of To Build a Fire is to think before you act and not to make impulse decisions. The man in the story is an individual who thinks only of the actions that he wants to perform and not the consequences. The illustrious author Jack London journeyed to Alaska in 1897. El ilustre escritor Jack London viaj a Alaska en 1897. Eleven years later, he wrote one of his most appreciated works, "To build a fire", based on his rich experiences in this sub-polar area. Once aos ms tarde, escribi una de sus obras ms apreciadas, "Construir un fuego", basada en sus experiencias ricas en esta zona sub-polar. Although, at first sight, "To build a fire" appears to be a simple adventure story, the hero's end is rather puzzling. Aunque, a primera vista, "Para generar un incendio" parece ser una historia simple aventura, al final del hroe es bastante desconcertante. Actually, the finale paragraph takes aback: why is the main character suddenly desirous to die whereas he has strived to survive along the whole story? En realidad, el prrafo final se sorprendi: por qu el personaje principal de repente deseoso de morir, mientras que s se ha esforzado por sobrevivir a lo largo de toda la historia? The man's intentions are not obvious at first glance. Las intenciones del hombre no son evidentes a primera vista. Nevertheless, traces can help the reader to discover the man's desire. Sin embargo, las huellas pueden ayudar al lector a descubrir el deseo del hombre. The purpose of the subsequent analysis is to demonstrate that the man's character is a person with suicidal tendencies and therefore his plight is not the fruit of a thoughtless behavior. El propsito de los anlisis es demostrar que el carcter del hombre es una persona con tendencias suicidas, por lo que su situacin no es fruto de una conducta imprudente.

Right after the first two paragraphs, which introduce the reader with a description of the situation, Jack London asserts that the man "was quick and alert in the things of life, but only in the things, and not in the significances". Inmediatamente despus de los dos primeros prrafos, que introducen al lector una descripcin de la situacin, Jack London, afirma que el hombre "fue rpida y alerta en las cosas de la vida, pero slo en las cosas, y no en las significaciones". This sentence's aim is to present the man's character as a person who does not realize the consequences of his actions. El objetivo de este sentencia es presentar el carcter del hombre como una persona que no se da cuenta de las consecuencias de sus acciones. However, the fourth paragraph proves he is far from being irresponsible. Sin embargo, el prrafo cuarto, demuestra que est lejos de ser irresponsable. Indeed, the man's character conducts an experiment. En efecto, el carcter del hombre lleva a cabo un experimento. He spits several times to verify that spittle "had crackled in the air". Escupe varias veces para comprobar que la saliva "haba crepitaba en el aire". As a result, that test convinces the man that "undoubtedly it was colder than fifty below". Como resultado, esa prueba convence al hombre que "sin duda fue ms fro de cincuenta abajo". Since he carries out experimentation and he is able to reach a conclusion, he confirms he can have a mature reflection and therefore he is responsible. Desde que se lleva a cabo la experimentacin y es capaz de llegar a una conclusin, se confirma que puede tener una reflexin madura y por lo tanto l es responsable. The next paragraph provides clues of his will to minimize his chances to achieve his travel. El siguiente prrafo da pistas de su voluntad de reducir al mnimo sus posibilidades de lograr su viaje. Actually, the man "was glad" to undertake a journey "without a sled, traveling light" whereas no evidence is given in the story that explains why this is an asset for him. En realidad, el hombre "se alegr" de emprender un viaje "sin luz trineo, viajar", mientras que no hay pruebas que figuran en la historia que explica por qu esto es una ventaja para l. The reader only knows that "a foot of snow had fallen since the last sled had passed over". El lector slo sabe que "un pie de nieve haban cado desde el trineo pasado haba pasado por alto". The man never affirms that this amount of snow or a weighty load could slow down or hamper him. El hombre nunca afirma que esta cantidad de nieve o una carga de peso puede retrasar o dificultar l. On the other hand, such an amount of snow exhausts a trekker who is not equipped with snowshoes and London never mentions such items in the text. Por otro lado, tal cantidad de nieve agota un caminante que no est equipado con raquetas de nieve y Londres nunca menciona estos artculos en el texto. Consequently, since the beginning of the story demonstrates he is fully responsible. En consecuencia, desde el comienzo de la historia demuestra que es totalmente responsable. He most likely wants to enter the forest with the deliberate intention to expose himself to serious danger. Lo ms probable quiere entrar en el bosque con la intencin deliberada de exponerse a un peligro grave.

Moreover, the reader is informed in the fifth paragraph that the man "carried nothing but the lunch" and the fourth paragraph stresses his food is only made of some "biscuits". Por otra parte, el lector es informado en el quinto prrafo que el hombre "lleva nada ms que el almuerzo" y el cuarto prrafo hace hincapi en la comida slo se hace de algunas "galletas". In addition, in the eighth paragraph, the man is not particularly hungry but "he decided to celebrate" an event "by eating his lunch" although it could have been more valuable to him to restrain from eating at this time and keep his biscuits for a later meal. Adems, en el octavo prrafo, el hombre no tiene mucha hambre, pero "decidi celebrar" un evento "comiendo su almuerzo", aunque podra haber sido ms valioso para l abstenerse de comer en este momento y guarda sus galletas para una comida ms tarde. Therefore, once more he jeopardizes his survival because he deprives himself from keeping a reserve and deliberately runs the risk of lacking alimentary supplies in the future. Por lo tanto, una vez ms se pone en peligro su supervivencia, ya que se priva de mantener una reserva y deliberadamente se corre el riesgo de falta de suministros alimentarios en el futuro. From the onset of the story, he is fully aware he is on the verge of commencing a progression in the forest although the temperature is extremely cold and he is bound to be short of supplies. Desde el comienzo de la historia, que es plenamente consciente de que est a punto de comenzar una progresin en el bosque, aunque la temperatura es extremadamente fro y est obligado a ser breve de los suministros. At this very moment of his journey, not only did he ignore the advice of the oldtimer from Sulphur Creek, who warned him that "no man must travel alone in the Klondike after fifty below", but he also makes every efforts to reduce his chances of success. En este mismo momento de su viaje, no slo hizo caso omiso de la opinin del veterano de Sulphur Creek, quien le advirti que "ningn hombre debe viajar solo en el Klondike despus de cincuenta abajo", pero tambin hace que todos los esfuerzos para reducir sus posibilidades de xito. He could have decided not to engage in this journey and he can still make the choice to turn back. l podra haber decidido no participar en este viaje y que todava puede tomar la decisin de dar marcha atrs. No forms of determinism govern the man because he can take his own choices and he can anticipate the consequences of his actions. No hay forma de determinismo gobiernan al hombre porque l puede tomar sus propias decisiones y puede anticipar las consecuencias de sus acciones. Furthermore, he is presumably preparing his future predicament and his subsequent death. Adems, es presumiblemente la preparacin de su situacin futura y su posterior muerte. A strange parallel could be drawn between the not so evident London's suicide and the man's fate. Un paralelismo extrao puede ser trazada entre el suicidio no es tan evidente de Londres y el destino del hombre. One could argue that the man's character embodies Jack London and thus, the author could express a secret desire to lay down arms after enduring fights during his life. Se podra argumentar que el carcter del hombre encarna a Jack London y, por tanto, el autor poda expresar un deseo secreto de dejar las armas despus de soportar las peleas durante su vida. Could the short story "To build a fire" be a kind of swan song from a man who desires to "live and let die" his existence? Podra el cuento "Para generar un incendio", una especie de canto del cisne de un hombre que quiere "vivir y dejar morir" a su existencia?

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