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NUTRITIONAL ELEMENT Protein Vit. A Vit D Vit E Vit K VIt C Thiamine Riboflavin Niacin Vitamin B6 Folate Vitamin b12 Calcium Phosporus Magnesium Iron Zinc Iodine Sodium

PREGNANT 60g 800mcgR 10 mcg 10 mcg 65 mcg 70 mcg 1.5 mg 1.6 mg 17 mg NE 2.2 mg 400 mcg 2.2 mcg 1200 mg 1200 mg 320 mg 30 mg 15 mg 175 mcg 65 mcg

NON-PREGNANT 46 g 800 mcgR 10 mcg 8 mcg 60 mcg 60 mg 1.1 mg 1.3 mg 15 mg NE 1.6 mg 180 mcg 2.0 mcg 1200 mg 1200 mg 280 mg 15 mg 12 mg 150 mcg 55 mcg

MATERNAL WEIGHT GAIN DISTRIBUTION Maternal Structure Fetus, placenta, and amniotic fluid Uterus Increased blood volume Breast tissue Maternal sources Increase in Weight gain 11 lbs 2 lbs 4 lbs 3 lbs 5-10 lbs

DANGER SIGNS OF PREGNANCY DANGER SIGN Gush of fluid from vagina Vaginal bleeding Abdominal pain Temperature > 101 F Persistent vomiting Visual disturbances Edema of hands and face Severe headache Epigastric pain Dysuria Decreased fetal movement POSSIBLE CAUSE Rupture of membranes Abruptio placentae, placenta previa, bloody show Premature labor, abruption placentae Infection Hyperemesis Gravidarum Hypertension, Preeclampsia Hypertension, Preeclampsia Hypertension, Preeclampsia Preeclampsia Urinary Tract Infection Compromised fetal well-being

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