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CHILD LABOUR A CURSE TO CHILDE EDUCATION IN INDIA One of the complex issues in India is Child labor.

. This issue attracts a lot of attention. Child labor is the practice where the children below the age group of 14 are employed into work. Various laws fail to eradicate the prevalence and pe rsistence of this demon that exploits the child and imposes forceful deprivation of the right of education to the child. The child is forced to indulge into lab our at a very tender age. Estimates reveal that India has the higher number of c hild laborers in the world. Causes of Child labor in India: The main cause of child labor can be attributed to the poverty. It is the povert y that makes a person sell his/ er children. It is the poverty that compels a gi rl to indulge in flesh trade. It is the poverty that squashes their future and d eprives them of the right to live. Yes, it is estimated that 22,000 children die in accidents at workplace worldwide. So, we need to eradicate the poverty. Gove rnment can establish industries and factories and generate jobs to employ the pa rents and solve this problem of poverty.

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