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Name round: James Maddy Luke Esther Katie Liz Rhin

Items for the agenda: y y y y Quorate vibe? Roles for election? Who are the communicators People picking meeting Deals with other factions

Quorate vibe: What s a good number? Is seven people acceptable? Liz: uncertain, not enough presence of people who ll be involved for next year Esther: seven feels like an absolute minimum, more definitely preferable. With meetings this small, meetings are more impacted by social stuff Decided that 7 will be minimum for quorate vibe . Active consensus.

Communicators: Esther: explains the role of communicators. To make sure information is conveyed consistently to other parties, people who speak for Activate with the authority of Activate. Can be hilarious, but also stressful. Rhin: why is it necessary to have them? Esther: if we want to do deals. Liz: what s the advantage of having designated communicators, rather than sharing the workload? Esther: taking on the workload, but also there are skills involved, etc. Also good to have people for next year with experience. Rhin: can we choose to not do deals? Maddy: need deals for preferences, so Activate people can get elected. Esther: watching the vote counting last year, saw how vital the distribution of preferences was in determining the outcome of the vote.

Katie and Esther tentatively put themselves forward as communicators. Active consensus. Luke adds that he feels too busy to jump in wholeheartedly, but is happy to lend support if needed. Potential for future workshop on communicator roles?

Picking people meeting: Liz: Labor Left have been pushing us on this. Do we have people? Esther: helps if we have a deadline. We should try to have people by Friday, with OBs leading the search for their own department. Are we having one meeting or two? One meeting Friday afternoon, another next Tuesday? Decision we should have the first meeting this Friday at 1 P.M., and another meeting on Tuesday at 5 P.M. Active consensus.

Deals with other factions: Discussion about whether we should have dealings with Labor Right/Liberals at all. Inconclusive. It is suggested that Esther and Katie, as communicators, should contact Labor Left, Socialist Alternative and IndyMedia to discuss potential deals. Meetings with representatives of the right will be put off until after Activate s Friday meeting, at which point we can decide our strategy for dealing with the right (with a more quorate vibe). Active consensus.

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