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RPNM Statement on New Mexico Unemployment Rate FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 22, 2011 CONTACT: Annaliese Wiederspahn ALBUQUERQUE, NM Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Monty Newman issued the following statement on todays release of state unemployment figures for June which declined to 6.8 percent in New Mexico: Governor Martinezs leadership is stemming the tide of unemployment in New Mexico while national unemployment continues to rise. New Mexicos improving employment picture is a testament to the successful policies and pro-economic growth agenda of Governor Martinez. The bold Republican leadership of Governor Martinez versus the dismissal national unemployment numbers -- currently 9.2 percent nationally -- that are becoming synonymous with the Obama economy tell the story for us. A return to prosperity or the sputtering movement of Obamas green shoots and shovel ready promises. The choice for New Mexicans in 2012 is clear. ###

Copyright 2011 Republican Party of New Mexico.

Paid for by the Republican Party of New Mexico. Not Authorized By Any Candidate or Candidate Committee.

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