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638 Proceedings of the Royal Society In 1869 wo had “Tho Practical Application of Graphic Methods to the Determinstion of the Hficlency of part was raid to the Society in 1877, and lowing year. AII throo of thete papers are in, ‘The following communications were read :— 1. Non-Kuclidesn Geometry. By Professor Chrystal. (Plate XX.) ‘When Thad the honour of being askod by tho Council of the Royal ‘Society to give the following adres, chose the subject partlybecause it had boen brought under tho notcpf the fellows by aay predooaot, Profesor Kelland. His memoir was writen eomparaively ely in the history of tho subject; an he seems to have been ‘soyuainted with whut othors had dono even up tothe tine made more accesible; and I believe that rathomaticians have thought on the eubjoct wi of the later kind altogether. subject with the gasp ofa master. Geometrical insight and wealth of geometrical ideas, either natural or acquired, are ovental to a ood teacher of geometry; and I know of no better way of eutiva fing them than studying pangpometry. ‘Tho following skstch in adresed to those brady fli with ‘modern rerearches, or to build up a systematic treatise simply ‘ied to give in a synthetic way a general idea tubjock In oo doing T have used the mate- is of Euclid as much as I consistently eoold, at some sacrifice of elegance, no doubt, but with obvious practical ed to give any bibliographical detail, for the 640 Proceedings of the Royal Society On Pangeometry. know of no question possesing more interest for a thinker, and ‘none of moru importanes for » mathematician, than the wall-worn ‘one of the origin of the axioms of geometry. ‘Passing over the diseusions of mental philosophers, which, so far as Tam aoquaintod with them, ate of Little mathematial or physical interest, wo find two great modem contribations to this interesting ‘subject; ono bythe mathematicians headed by Gane, Lobatschowaky, olysi, and Riemann ; the other by the physiologists roprosontad by Helmholtz, ‘The mathematical investigators my be taken as representing the ido of tho eubject the physiologiata ae ruprosonting the philosopher. of Edinburgh, Session 1879-80. oat allowed by most of those who have considered the question of ‘axioms in what I believe to be by far the mast useful and clfctivo way, viz, by examining and pushing the conclusions to ‘bo drawn from them to the utmost; and by investigating what change on thee conclusions would be indueed by varying one or right alo be approached from the side of experience. take, for the wake of illustration, an instance which brings me at ject, We have, by generalisation from experience, Tw refined according to our individual physical straight Hine, and of a geometrical point, ‘trnight lines intoreeting ata point, and ‘uch Lingo interest again? Our fst ‘anewer 205 but due consideration willshow us that, in ‘oxporionso door not stile the question. All we can say 1 starting from the point of intarsoction of two straight linus hae ovur followed them by physical (ay optical) observation to ‘aeecond intersstion, But thon we must admit that, on our usual ‘assumption that space is of infinite extent, and stright lines of infinite length, the distance through whigh any one has so followed ‘hem ia, afterall, relatively speaking, but an infinitely litle way. Our ‘mathematician in connection with tis to make clear what tho question exuctly is, and what alternatives aro open for us, What the bearing on Proceedings of the Royal Society of modem mathomatial research on this point appears to be Isl endeavour 1 expla later on, With thow preliminary romarke in explanation, I now proosed Uioly to sketch eystom of geometry whic, att its foundations, inion’ sake, call Pangoometry. consideristo be tridimensional. T appeal ‘As a test of thowo distinotions the of motion may bo intro duced Teannot stop now to justify this, but merely remark that nothing isto be predicated conccening time aster pac isto be uniform, inthe double sense that thas no last statement is congruoney,* which Imention fs the touchstone of goometry. ‘Thus the statement that space has no properties depending on positon, simply ‘means that congruent figures exist, a, that a gold of a certain size eney. It is csontil to be earefal with our dafiition of a atraight line, for it will be found that virtually the properties of the straight line determine the nature of epace points én general determine « straight line cannot be made to ‘erm The pun su berry Bgl ition of Bald, vill be Dest understood from an i the case ofa thre logged stool, if a that three points determi if the thitd foot wane pu diametrically opposite point do not determine a great cree, and yet {it would be good definition of a great circle to eall it that line on ‘sphere which is in general determined when two of its pointe ate given, no other condition being assigned. * ‘We recognise therefore that, although in general, any two points Deing taken, a line will theroby bo determined, yet it may happen point being taken, another point may exist which along fim docs not dstermine &staiht line. The neceasity for pice (ott ing congreney, nt mac a symmetel ond ‘every stmight line. Thia is at oneo an anwar to those who say ‘that pangeometry ie merely an analogy drawn from the theory of ‘surfaces of constant curvature, ous Proceedings of the Royal Society cate angld triangle, but rejct inthe meantime, at all events all Different Kinds of Space. ‘Botor going farthor, we must distinguis ‘must be distinguished under this bond, that, viz, Buclidean space. tensoct again. Space having this characteristic is Mais Tn what follows I take single elliptical epaco aa the representative of elliptical pace generally, although on acount of the non of a closed surface of uniform positive curvature, on which a clliphical space appeor in some respects more bizarre than those of double elliptical spaco, whoeo planimetry is mirrored by the geodexy ‘hat uclidean, oF homloidal, space is included in ‘at above defined. Wo shull afterwards show, may be regarded as a limiting caso of elliptic space, Tt ie thorefore tho transition caso lying botween the other two Shotch of the Geometry of Hyperbolic Infinite) Space. ‘From the definition of this kind of space itis clearly infinite. ‘Hore I must insist on tho distinetion between infinite and unbounded, it shall be infinite in extent; in Sac, ‘that a singe elliptical apace is nocosurily of “After the propositions relating to congruency already proved, the next fundamental proposition to be established isthe following — In hyperdolic opace the mum of the three angles of a rectitineot triangle cannot exceed to right angles. 646 Proceedings of the Rayad Soviely ‘the other than } A. Taking the leat ‘the opposite side, we derive at ADC a triangl, sill having the aume area, and the. the angles, but in whieh the ou By a similar process wo deriv area and the sum of ite angles ‘we get a triage, in which tho are ia the sun ta b JpAs where may be as great at we please be ea, eae © be the external angle at C of the triangle ABC, A+B+C=2R-8, ‘where R stends'for a right angle, and 8 is either zero or essentially Posting and ‘we bave eeae Cnasnes; ite angles. 0f course ‘the exterior angle of any triangle ie grater than ferior oppoite angler; and thal the sn of any two angles of ati ‘We ean now prove for hyperbr That the grater side of every ced converely hat any too sides of a triangle ure together greater le third side, ea has the greater angle oppo. of Edinburgh, Session 1819-80. oT falls short of IR in called the deft 1 the excoss ofthe sum of ita exterior angles over 4B. If we take the lator statement of the definition, wemay talk ofthe defect of any plane rectlineal figure, In forming the external angles of figures ‘generally, we must go round, produeing all the sides in Ube direction tf our progress, assigning the positive or negative sgn according as ‘the angle isnot ois re-entrant. "Thus in figure 2 the defect is at Baytbte—dR. the figure, we evidently construct a triangle A'BC; ving th sme angle an ABO, and oneo 210 deft, cach of ‘whose silosis double aoresponding side in ABC. We may repeat ‘his proces with A’BC; and 40 on, Hone we may construct « triangle, having aero defect, lage enough to contain within it any finite trimgle whatever, But the defect of any trianglo cannot be ‘grater than that of a triangle within whieh itis contained, and the defect cannot be lest than zero; hence the defect of every finite fsiangle must be exo, if th defect of any one fist triangle bo a=, "Thus in hyperbolic yee, aa defined above, we are abut up to onc cor other of two sllematives Hither the defect of a triangle is alae positive on it is alas ero, an ‘a triangle (and consuently the defect of any plane recttineal fre) és proportional to dle area, ‘Various proofs of this proposition might be given, select that Which depends onthe popertin ofthe curves of equiistanes from straight line, booms the intamadiate propositions are the analoguca in hyperbolic apace to the propositions reguding penalels and ywalllograms that azo piven in tho latter part of Bue’ ist book ‘fin any plane perpendicular of constant length be exeted upon «given straight lin, their extremities generate two curves which I sll eal the equidistant tho two oquiistnts comaponding to & givon length of the perpendicular may be called conjugate equidi- tanta ‘Tho puidiotant iso sf congruent Tine. ‘For if wo take any pio AIS (Bg. 4) of the given ling, and LM the convaponding pious of tho equidistant, and if also A'B'= AB and UM’ be coresponding poi ov AB, Land wi vill coincide with Q, and so on. Hence the piece LM is congruent vith the pices LM, The cquiidant kat every pont at right angle to the generating perpen, This at once evident by considering two equal pices (By. 5) [UP and LQ ofthe equidistant on either sido of Land the comes ponding points A and Bon the sight ling, s0 that OA=OB. We have LOAP=LOBQ, hence LOLP= LOLQ, euch=R. Tio quidisant in hyperbolic apace ib cura line, concave totsarts (he give in. ‘st LOM (Bg, 6) bo a pac of thoeguiistant, LM a staight line cutting the perpendicular through P, the middle point of AB, in R. Thon LRPA=MEPB, Hence LPRL~ 4PRM=R, and the angles at P are cach R, therefore ALR-

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