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EMD 26 Consolidated products Bassem Muhammad Ismail Fahmy 1.

Ben Samuels, as a leader, needs to drive his supervisors and machine operators for better performance beside the benefits he used to serve to them, he is a clear democratic leader and has a great consideration towards his people, he is also employee centered so that he offers human relations training programs for supervisors, I think that Ben needs to work within plan and objectives and he will get the things be done due to perfect relationship he built with employees. In contrast Phil Jones, as a leader, is an excellent driver who knows how things could be done, put objectives to supervisor, he is a clear autocratic leader, perfect in initiating structure and job centered but he needs to build relationship with worker through consideration and empowerment, he has been successful to reduce the costs with 20 percent and increase the production with 10 percent, but also affected the work negatively by increasing the employees turn over and lost the professional machine operators who couldn't be replaced and increasing the probability of unionizing among the workers 2. I think that Ben Samuels is more effective, since he built a suitable environment for success through his democratic style and keeps the work goes on, he only lacks to drive his people to be more productive. Instead, Phil Jones reduces cost and increase production by 10 % but also he was the reason for losing the competent machine operators and unionizing among the workers which will have a big negative impact on the business I would like to work under Ben Samuels because I think that if I am self motivated I can give a lot through this environment 3. I would bring Ben Samuels to take the charge again and lead him to set targets for increasing productivity to more than 30 % instead of the whole cutting cost made by Phil Jones and lead to turnover and loss of competent machine operators

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