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vegan cantuccini vegan cantuccini 3/4c+1/8c flour 1/4c margarine 2/3c brown sugar 1 egg (e.g.

1 egg= 1tsp baking powder + 1/2 tsp natron + 2 little T flour + 3 T water) 60g marcipan 1/2 tsp baking powder 1 package of vanilla sugar pinch of salt (leave out if nuts are salty) 1/4 cup macadamia nuts 1/8 cup hazel nuts 1/8 cup peanuts

0) preheat oven to 200 celsius 1) stir together everything except the nuts. remember to cut the marcipan into small pieces! 2) chopp the nuts and add them 3) add flour untill the dough is not sticking to your fingers anymore 4) roll the dough into 2 rolls with 1" diameter 5a) bake the rolls for 15 minutes then take them out and cut into slices putting them sideways (approx. 1cm) 5b) bake for 15 minutes flip them over put back into oven 6) bake for another 5 minutes 7b) cut into small pieces

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