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Rotational Motion


Angular Displacement

Axis of Rotation. In the simplest kind of rotation, points on a rigid object move on circular paths. In Figure, for example, we seethe circular paths for points A, B, and C on a spinning skater. The centers of all such circular paths define a line, called the axis of rotation.

When an object rotates, points on the object, such as A, B, or C, move on circular paths. The centers of the circles form a line that is the axis of rotation.

Definition of Angular Displacement

When a rigid body rotates about a fixed axis, the angular displacement is the angle swept out by a line passing through any point on the body and intersecting the axis of rotation perpendicularly. By convention, the angular displacement is positive if it is counterclockwise and negative if it is clockwise.

SI Unit of Angular Displacement: radian (rad)*


= Arc of length = s radius r

Definition of Average Angular Velocity

Angular velocity= angular displacement elapsed time = / t

SI Unit of Angular Velocity: radian per second (rad/s)

In agreement with the sign convention adopted for angular displacement, angular velocity is positive when the rotation is counterclockwise and negative when it is clockwise. Definition of Average Angular Acceleration Angular acceleration= angular velocity elapsed time = = /t

SI Unit of Average Angular Acceleration: radian per second squared (rad/s2) The Equations of Rotational Kinematics = o+ t )t =1/2( o+

= ot+1/2 t^2 ^ 2= Torque ^2 +2

Magnitude of the = (magnitude of the force)(length of the arc)

Figure : In this top view, the hinges of a door appear as a black dot () and define the axis of rotation. The line of action and lever arm are illustrated for a force applied to the door (a)perpendicularly and (b) at an angle. (c) The lever arm is zero because the line of action passesthrough the axis of rotation Direction: The torque is positive when the force tends to produce a counterclockwise rotation about the axis, and negative when the force tends to produce a clockwise rotation. SI Unit of Torque: newton meter (N m)

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