Tugas Pppsamp

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TUGAS PPPSAMP 1. Heuristics (Definisi, contoh soal, solving problem) 2.

Summarizing skripsi (Zahra Azzahra tau lebih lengkap infonya) 3. Paper + Lesson Plan (Using ICT to engag math class, harus problem solving) 4. Search: - how to use heuristics in problem solving - what is heuristics in problem solving - contoh strategi + contoh soalnya - cari di mbah google: kantowski + heuristics + problem solving - linear algebra tool kit - TSM resources + autograph - Some resources of problem solving - research on problem solving for senior high school - how to deliver a concept in mathematics - how to make tessellation (Ini berdasarkan catatanku teman2... Mungkin ada yang seharusnya gak dicari. Please let me know kalo yang di search itu gak usah dicari... hehehe)

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