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CMMI Model for Business Planning

Before you start, briefly describe your business idea or concept. What do you really do? What s your vision? Tell about the Management team, who will be responsible for executing the business idea. What roles different team members will play and what relevant skills do they possess?

y y y Who do you help? Specifically, who are your constituents, users, or customers? Burning Problem (or Pain). What is the Big Problem that your constituents have? Market details. Which Industry do you belong to? What are the Target Market Size and Growth Rate? How do you segment the market? Who are the key players in this Market?

y Value Proposition. What is your offering and benefits? How your product/service is new and unique? Is there clear customers need being satisfied? How important is this product/service to the customer? Prototype. Have you developed a Prototype or working description of the product/service? Have you gone to the market to test receptiveness of potential customers? Competition. Who are your competitors? What are your differentiators? What is your sustainable competitive advantage?

y y

y How will you make money? What is your Pricing Strategy?

y y How will you get the word out? How do you position your product in the mind of the customers w.r.t competitors?

y How will you get your product or service to customers? Describe your distribution and sales strategy.

Investments and Returns
y What type and amount of capital investment is required? What investment sources will your team solicit for funding, and how will you utilize this capital? What is the proposed ownership

structure of the venture? How long will it take the venture to be financially self-supporting? What is the investment exit-strategy?

Financial Forecast
y How do your Income Statements, Balance Sheet, and Cash Flow Statements look like for next 5 quarters?

y "What could go wrong?" - Explain the top obstacles that your team's business concept could face in the near future, and how your team plans to overcome such obstacles.

Implementation Roadmap
y What are your projects milestones?

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