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Group 3 Sandeep Chinni Arif Khan Venkat Rajiv

Delay Tolerant Networks

y Path from source to destination is not present at any

single point in time. y Combining snapshots of the network at different times may result in the formation of a source-destination path.

Protocols for DTN

y Prioritized Epidemic Routing for Opportunistic

y Ram Ramanathan, Regina Rosales-hain

ACM MobiOpp 2007

y Oracle Based Routing y S. Jain, K. Fall, and R. Patra. Routing in a Delay Tolerant Network.

In Proc. ACM Sigcomm, pages 145 158, 2004

Epidemic Routing
y Goal is to deliver messages with high probability even

when there is never a fully connected path.

Epidemic Routing
y Goal is to deliver messages with high probability even

when there is never a fully connected path.- Can we do better? y The overall goal of Epidemic Routing is to
y maximize message delivery rate y minimize message delivery latency y minimizing the aggregate system resources consumed in

message delivery

Epidemic Routing Protocol

y Anti-Entropy sessions

Message Information
y Message ID

a unique ID for all the messages that will be transmitted. y Hop Count The maximum hops that a message can take before reaching the destination. y Optional Ack request

y Nodes set a maximum buffer size to aid epidemic

routing. y This setting will limit memory and network usage. y There is a trade off between resource consumption and message delivery rate/latency. y Simple buffer management strategies like FIFO can be used when there is contention for resources - not the best though.

Prioritized Epidemic Routing(PREP)

y Prioritizes the messages for transmission and deletion

using a priority function. y Priority function is based on

y Current cost to destination y Current cost from source y Expiry time y Generation time

y Inter-node costs are computed with a metric called

average availability.

Features of PREP
y PREP has two modules: y Topology awareness

Helps in calculating routing costs from a node to a destination. A priority scheme for deleting and transmitting message packets.

y Message drop and Transmit property


Topology Awareness
y Each node runs a neighbor discovery algorithm to find

out its neighbors. y Each link between two nodes has a metric called the Average Availability(AA). y The average availability is calculated based on a short history of node link availability information. y If a link is not available for a configured time, then it is forgotten. y Periodically or whenever sufficient new link information is available Link State Advertisements (LSA) are exchanged between nodes.

Topology Awareness
y This LSA exchange is called Topology Sync as the

nodes learn from each other. y LSA exchange gives the nodes the knowledge of the network topology during the recent time period. y This best effort topology awareness is used to compute routing costs. y Formula : (1-AA)+0.01
y AA-Average Availability

y Dijkstra s algorithm is used for lowest cost route.

Message Drop & Transmit Priority

y Each message has a drop priority(Pd) and transmit

priority(Pt). y Pd of a packet is the lowest cost path from the current node to the destination. y Pt of a packet is based on the cost to the destination and time-to-expire of the packet. y When the buffer of a node crosses a threshold, it starts to drop packets based on Pd and stops only after a lower threshold is crossed.

y PREP compared with Epidemic routing and AODV and

simulation done in NS-2. y Simulation Parameters

Advantages of PREP
y Successful, as long as the resources are not overloaded. y Does not rely on extrapolating previous contact

information. y Improves performance of Epidemic routing at high loads.

y Very high resource utilization even when less number

of messages are being transmitted. y Route cost calculation is not possible in all cases and Pd cannot be computed.

Oracle Based Routing

y Knowledge centers (Oracles) are used to make routing

decisions. y Based on the amount of information and network resources available suitable Routing protocols can be used.

y Contacts Summary Oracle y can answer questions about time-invariant aggregate statistics or summary characteristics about contacts. y Contacts Oracle y can answer any question regarding contacts between two nodes at any point in time. y Can be used for admission control. y Queuing Oracle y gives information about instantaneous bu er occupancies (queuing) at any node at any time. y can be used to route around congested nodes. y Traffic Demand Oracle y Can answer any questions regarding present or future traffic demand.

Components for Path Calculation

y Queuing time:

Time until a contact becomes available. Time to inject a message completely into an edge. Time to deliver the message (includes any intermediate queuing delay).

y Transmission delay:

y Propagation delay:

y Storage Capacity.

Routing Algorithm Classes

y No knowledge y They do not use any oracles and hence perform badly. y Complete Knowledge y They utilize contacts, traffic and queuing oracles. y Partial Knowledge y They find routes in the absence of traffic demand oracle and use other oracles.

Oracle Based Routing Algorithms

y Schemes:

Simulation with Bus Routes

Average Delay

Delivery Ratio

Bandwidth Variation

Advantages & Drawbacks

y Advantages y Based on the oracles available we can choose an appropriate algorithm for route calculation. y Drawbacks y Creating and maintaining oracles is a significant distributed systems problem.

What have we taken out of these papers?

y Prioritized epidemic routing might be of interest in

worst case scenarios for our DTN protocol.

[1] A. Vahdat and D. Becker. Epidemic routing for partially connected ad hoc networks, 2000.

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