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Subject: Compiler Design Faculty: HIR Branch: 7th CSE

Practical List
Sr. No 1 2 3 4 5 Name of Practical Write a case study on LEX with simple calculator (with four basic operation) example. Write a LEX Program that accept the language L = { an bn }; where n >= 0 m >= 1 Write a LEX Program that accept the language L = { 1n-1 0n }; where n >= 1 Write a case study on YACC with simple calculator (with four basic operation) example. Write a YACC Program that will identify the language L = *; where = { 1, 0} if and only if the string starts with 10. That is, the language L will accept all strings that starts with 10, or L can be represented as a set of strings that begin with 10. To find a token from given input string Conditions: 1. All the valid operator should be display. 2. All the variable should be identified. 3. All the white space should be ignored. 4. invalid integer should be identified float numbers should be identified Write down a program to find number of character from input string Write down a program to find number of Remark

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word from input string Write down a program to find number of line from input string Find FIRST and FOLLOW set of a grammar H.M H.O.D


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