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A close connection between religion and economic forces was presented by: (a) Max Weber (b) Karl Max (c) Emile Durkheim (d) C. Wright Mill (e) None of these

2.Which of the following sociological perspectives views society as a system of interdependent and coordinated parts ? (A) Structural functional perspective (B) Conflict perspective (C) Interactionist perspective (D) Feministic perspective 3.The discipline which studies societies more as a whole, is(A) Sociology (B) Anthropology V (C) Psychology (D) Economics
4.Power that people consider legitimate is known as: (a) Force (b) Right (c) Authority (d) Previlege (e) None of these

5.Social Structure of a society is the network of: (a) Institutional relations (b) Value System (c) Traditions (d) Compliance to Norms (e) None of these

6.Which of the following is not an example of community ? (A) A tribe (B) A caste (C) A prison (D) A village 7.What term do Sociologists use to refer to the reputation that a person has earned within an occupation ? (A) Esteem (B) Prestige (C) Status (D) Power

8.Which of the following is not a type of status ? (A) Ascribed status (B) Achieved status (C) Assigned status (D) Assembled status 9.A drivers son becoming a driver is an example of (A) Ascribed status (B) Achieved status (C) Assembled status (D) All of die above 10.The three dimensions of inequality according to Max Weber are(A) Power, status and respect (B) Health, status and power (C) Wealth, respect and power (D) Economic, status and power 11.Bunking School is an example 0f (A) Primary deviance (B) Secondary deviance (C) Tertiary deviance (D) No deviance 12.A social institution is? (a) an established procedure that regulates human behavior (b) a place where social functions are organized (c) an organization where social positions are determined (d) an organization that administers social service 13.Which one of the following is an attribute of culture? (a) Culture is divinely gifted (b) Culture is socially constructed (c) Culture is genetically inherited

(d) Culture is environmentally manipulated 14.The view that social stratification has beneficial consequences for the operation of a society, is given by(A) Karl Marx (B) Max Weber (C) Maclver and Page (D) Davis and Moore 15.The process, whereby people normally being socialized are at the same time socializing their socializers is known as(A) Socialization (B) De-socialization (C) Resocialization (D) Reverse socialization

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