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Description of Classroom: 4th Grade 30 students (Our class has six) Dual language Background: This would be the fourth part of a five day unit on Earth Day. On the first day, we would have discussed the three types of pollution: air, water, and land. On the second day, we would have discussed possible solutions to pollution, as well as the international symbol for recycling and Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. On the third day, we would have decorated grocery bags from local grocery stores to raise awareness of the environment and promote Earth Day. At the end of each day, students would write one or two questions on index cards based on what they learned. For example: What is air pollution? They would write the answer on the back. Today, these cards would be collected to play the Balance the Earth game. Content Objective(s): I will learn how technology has impacted our world in a positive and negative way. Language Objective(s): I will write a personal goal to save the environment using information from El Lorax and the Balance the Earth game. Nevada Standards: N.5.B.2 Describe how technologies impact society, both positively and negatively [1.9] 3.4.9. Use information to answer specific questions [3.9] 7.4.1. Listen for a variety of purposes; gaining information, being entertained, and following directions. [7.1] Key Vocabulary: Reduce (Reducir), Reuse (Reusar), Recycle (Reciclar), Earth Day (Dia de la Tierra)

Best Practices: (put an x next to those that you address in your lesson)
Preparation Adaptation of Content Links to Background Links to Past Learning Strategies Incorporated Integration of Processes Listening Speaking Reading Writing Teaching Strategies: Learning Experience Approach Scaffolding Modeling Guided Practice Independent Practice Verbal Scaffolds Procedural Scaffolds Application Hands-on Authentic (Meaningful) Linked to Objectives Promotes Engagement Grouping Options Whole Class Small Groups Partners Independent Assessment Individual Group Written Oral

Warm Up Activity: (The first part will be in Spanish) Empezaramos por hacer tres columnas en el pizarrn: Reducir, Reusar, y Reciclar. De esta manera

podemos recordar informacin de los das anterior. Al lado del pizarrn tambin pondra Contaminacion de agua, aire, y tierra como un recordatorio. La maestra entonces les pide a los estudiantes que den ejemplos de cada uno. Por ejemplo, podemos reciclar botellas de agua. Lesson Sequence: 1. Al terminar de hacer el organizador grafico, la maestra va introducir el libro El Lorax. 2. En el pizarrn, va escribir cinco preguntas. 3. Quien es el Lorax? 4. Quien es Onceler? 5. Por que destruyen el bosque? 6. Que le paso al Lorax? 7. Cules fueron las consecuencias de lo que hizo Onceler? 8. Al terminar el libro, los estudiantes se juntaran en pares para discutir las preguntas. (5min) 9. Luego los contestaran juntos (whole class) The second part is in English. 10. The class would be separated into small groups to play Balance the Earth. For this class, well do three in each. 11. I would model with one student how to play. Student A picks a card and reads it to student B. If they are correct, they move a marker (paperclip) to the healthy Earth side and if they are incorrect, they move it to the unhealthy side. Once you finish the question, you add it to the bottom of the pile. 12. The students would then participate in the game. (5 min for this class) 13. Once finished, each student would get a post it. On this post it, they would answer the question What do I promise to do to help the Earth? 14. They would each read theirs out loud and place it on the bulletin board. Accommodations: - Students would be placed in groups according to their language level. For example if student A is having a hard time speaking English and Student B is having a hard time speaking Spanish, they would be placed together so they can help each other out. Supplementary Materials: About 10 hangers 24 markers for each group (240) Earth pictures to distinguish which side is healthy and which side is polluted Question cards students have accumulated. Recycled reusable products Review/Assessment: - Students would be assessed based on the responses they gave for their post its and their participation in the initial reduce, reuse, recycle discussion. Also, they would have a rubric to fill out as a team for their participation on the Balance the Earth game. Reflection:

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