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€ means

learning to pronounce words. € means learning to identify words and get their meaning. € means learning to bring meaning to a text in order to get meaning from it. € identifying of written or printed words the process of identifying and understanding the meaning of the characters and words in written or printed material

€ material

that is read written or printed material that can be read

€ occasion

of reading something an occasion during which somebody reads something to an audience or congregation a poetry reading

€ interpretation

of something an interpretation or understanding of a situation or of something that has been written or said
€ text

read to audience or congregation a piece of literature that is read to an audience, or a passage from a sacred text that is read to a congregation

Physical Factors Physical state and health A sick child can hardly be expected to learn. A child with physical handicaps like hearing and visual defects, would naturally have an impaired state of readiness to learn. A child who is unhappy and feeling miserable cannot be expects to function on the same level as other children who are happy and cheerful.

child entering school needs to be examined for sight and hearing problems, and parents need to be encouraged to have their children examined for problems earlier than that. € Any persistent or chronic illness can also affect reading negatively. € For example, students with asthma and/or allergies may miss many days of school due to illness; therefore, they may have problems learning to read because that have missed lessons on specific skills.
€ Every

€ emotional

problems are a result of underachievement (or of failure). € Children who do not do well in school may feel ignored they feel out-of-place they feel dumb. € Similarly, some emotional problems lead to underachievement. € For example, children who are under stress for any of many reasons may not be able to learn readily.

and parents need to be alert to the possibility of more serious emotional problems and, in that case, seek professional help. € The emotional adjustment of the child is of very great significance in his readiness to learn.
€ Teachers

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