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A combined word from September 2008 and 26 June 2010


This is a combined word a releasing of two Prophetic words from Father God out of two different times to be released today. As I replied on one of the Apostolic Networks the Spirit came over me and I had to write what I could see in the Spirit: I started to see what I have seen more often the last few years but this time there was a vivid vision that went along with it. Again this is what I saw and what I see! I see how God is moving the Islamic people to do what He is willing them to do! I see a board like chess with black and white stones. The black stones cover almost all the field and than there is ONE MOVE and the whole scene is been chanced. SUDDENLY ONE LAST MOVE, one last stone and move turns all the stones from black to white! Just as all the black stones seem to have won the last move will be the FINAL VICTORIOUS MOVE. The Islamic people are the black stones and the enemy thinks that he wins but he doesnt see that he is working at it that the Gospel of Christ will fill all the Nations of this earth. Believe me the Islam thinks that it is winning, but they are only helping to spread the Gospel of Christ all over the Nations, but the secret is that they do not know it! Satan and his armies are only puppets in the hands of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. So hold on through. Death has not the last Word.

More and more will you start to hear from RADICAL CONVERTING UNDER THE ISLAM, AND THE WOMAN WILL GO INFRONT IN TURNING TO THE LIVING GOD! The children will start to run to the Living God on all the Nations and nobody will be able to stop it. Still Europe will remain dark and the Light from Gods Glory will become greater and greater in the eastern Nations. There are many Converts already now under the Islam and many more will come. Still will there flow many blood. But this is only for a time and a season. This is not defeat as the enemy thinks that he wins, no this is the PRICE WE PAY FOR THE ENVOLVING DEVELOPMENT OF THE COMING KINGDOM OF OUR GOD! Be ready and set to PAY THAT PRICE! For this gives our God ALSO the righteous RIGHT TO COME WITH HIS WRATH AT THE LATTER DAYS... Hold through and read my Letter down below: I LOVE THE MUSLIMS AS MY FATHER LOVES THEM! I LOVE ALL NATIONS, BLACK WHITE GREEN, YELLOW WHAT EVER COLLOR OR RASE AND CULTURE - WE LOVE THEM ALL AND WE ARE READY AND SET TO DIE FOR ALL OF THEM! LET US WAGE WAR WITH THE WINNING LOVING WORD FROM OUR GOD! IF WE DIE SO WE DIE. BUT WE DIE IN DOING THE WILL OF GOD! I RATHER DIE DOING THE PERFEKT WILL OF MY FATHER AS DIEING IN MY BED! MY LAST BREATH WILL BE THE LOVE FOR MY GOD, AND FOR MY ENEMIES AND ALL MY LOVE ONES! NOW I CHARCE YOU STAND UP AND ARISE! DO YOUR ENEMIES GOOD, LOVE THEM! LOVE THEM! DIE FOR THEM! TURNING THE BLACK STONES WITH GODS HAND INTO WHITE STONES! GOD OUR FATHER HAS NO OTHER HANDS AS OUR HANDS! ARE WE HIS BODY OR ARE WE NOT? ARE WE THE MANIFESTATION OF HIS LOVE OR ARE WE NOT? ARISE, FIGHT WITH THE GOD GIVEN LOVE WITH THE WILL TO DIE FOR YOUR ENEMY, FOR YOUR WOMAN, FOR YOUR CHILDREN. IF THE SEED DOESNT DIE, IT WILL SEE NO LIVE!! DIE AND BRING LIVE! Let me share with you the following Letter I had to write in the year 2008 to a disciple of the Islam. I will place it also in my Blog with a PDF to download. So that you can print it out. For several years I had to write a Letter to an Islam Blessing where someone desired to bless me with. This was the day that I started to love even those man and woman who are under the Islam. Islam is nothing, have no fear! Be encouraged to love ALL who are under this REGIME AND UNDER THIS TERROR OF DEATH, for God says you will turn their lives to me if you are ready and set to be my TRUE and faithful witness and when you are ready to give your live even for those who are your enemy, just as I was willing and desired to DIE FOR YOU who are now mines! Love all those who are under the ISLAM TERROR and be MY GREAT ARMY OF LOVING WARIORS TURNING THE BLACK STONES WITH MY HAND INTO WHITE STONES! My reply to the Blessing of a disciple of the Islam was the Moment in my live that the Love for the Muslims became greater and greater. Here it comes: I am sorry this Blessing is not a Blessing BUT A CURSE And I do not receive a CURSE in the Demonic Face of an Angel - who is not God. You can hold on to your God, youre Idle but he will destroy you and your daughters if you hold on to this Demon. I know who I serve and whom I represent! I will not send this curse back upon your head although I have the power and the Might to do this. I will not do this.

I do not receive your Blessing in the NAME OF A DEMON OF DEATH! I am serving the ONLY GOD THERE IS and His Kingdom, HIS Power and presence I represent. He has shown and proven to be GOD ALONE or has your so called God conquered death? Being Lord and Master over Death and live - Has your so called god ever brought back to live one who has died for several days; And this not ones but 1000 times all over the World? NO HE NEVER DID AND IS NOT ABLE TO DO IT - He is only able to terrorize and to KILL LIVE. His character is only to be a Tiran and to Kill and to destroy live, to rape and to destroy live. You serve a God of death and I of live! Shall I go on? No I will not go on! I have come here to show you the way to the ONLY AND TRUE GOD OF LIVE! He loves the Muslims also and even He is willing to forgive the sin and trespasses of even those who have killed in the name of your God. He is weeping with hot tears of compassion over the state of your souls, being bound to Demons of death. But He has made a way for all to come out of this terror and this through accepting the GIFT OF GRACE presented and been made manifest through the live of the ONLY AND REAL SON OF GOD - JOSHUA CHRIST OF NAZARETH, born upon earth in a Virgin to be perfect and blameless - to become the PERFECT atoning SACRIFICE for the SINS of Humanity! Upon Him all our sins are been laid - this is why HE WHO WAS PERFECT SINLESS WENT UPON THE CROSS AND TAKING WITH HIM ALL THE SINS OF THIS WORLD: So he went into the Grave taking with him all the sins of the world! Only he was able to pay this price for all the sins for He was not only man. He WAS AND IS ALSO GOD! After three days HE ROSE UP AGAIN BUT THE SINS OF THE WORLD ARE BEEN TAKEN AWAY - BUT THIS WILL BECOME ONLY EFFECTIVE IN AND OVER OUR LIVES WHEN WE ACCEPT THIS GIFT OF GRACE; When we accept the LOVE GOD SHOWS FOR HIS CREATION. JESHUA Christ, the Son of God is THE FIRST ONE OF A WHOLE NEW GENERATION: As through one man ADAM sin came into the world - so also ONE MAN TOOK THE SINN OF THE WORLD AWAY. Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God has PROVEN TO BE THE ONE HE CLAIMED TO BE. He rose up from the death and was seen through many, many people at His time and even I have seen Jesus by His GRACE several times in my live! He is truly the SON OF GOD AND MORE THAN ABLE TO SAVE YOU FROM DEATH AND DESTRUCTION OF YOUR FAMILY. There comes to it that through accepting this, what HE has done also for you HE makes you a partaker of HIS NATURE - becoming a PARTAKER of Eternal live! I know whom I serve, do you know it? The one I serve loves even Muslims, does youre so called god - love Christians? NO HE DOES NOT! HE EVEN COMMANDS YOU TO KILL THEM. EVEN WHEN IT IS YOUR OWN SON OR DAUGHTER! This is his character - he is a murder from the beginning and the Spirit of Satan himself, representing the ANTICHRIST as presented in the Word of God, the Bible. Come let me take you by the hand and bring you to the GOD OF LIVE so that the god of death will have no power anymore to destroy your heart and soul, your family! I could go on with giving you testimonies of things I have heard and seen the last few Months. I could testify of Muslim daughters who have seen Jesus himself, one of them is now a daughter of me, for I love the Muslims as MY GOD LOVES THEM TO! I am your servant so you will in the Name of the ONLY LIVING GOD and HIS SON, Jeshua Christ of Nazareth! This is a Love Letter to all the Muslims who are under the Islam. The ONLY LIVING GOD WHO CREATED YOU AND IN WHICH YOU LIVE, LOVES YOU! EVEN NOW IN THE CONDITION OF YOUR HEART! You can hate me, but this will not stop me from loving

you! You can trust a knife in my heart and I will still be able to love you! I am there to show you the WAY OF LIVE! In His Service, at your service! Let us Love and not kill each other. My dear fellow Christians, were you not also an Enemy as you were not walking with God? Was it not the love of God which turned your heart to Him? LOVE THE MUSLIMS, LOVE YOUR NEIGBOUR. Rise up oh Nations of Christ and love your enemy so that they will be toughed by Gods Love! Who is willing to DIE for this LOVE, is truly living Gods love in and through his live. You do not need to love their religious idolaters worship of Satan, but you should love their soul and you should start to weep for them. Call meetings of prayer time to WEEP and to MOURN for all those souls who are under the ISLAM! Will you see how Gods hands moves A Nation and turns a Nation upside down? Than BE WILLING TO DIE FOR THE FREEDOM OF GODS LOVE! THE FREEDOM TO LOVE THOSE WHO DO NOT LOVE YOU!

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