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35 things to do with a bandana 1. a decorative clothing accessory made from a variety of cloth ranging from cotton to silk 2.

a scarf or head covering 3. a sweat band rolled & tied around the belt 4. a cloth to clean a gun 5. a ribbon to tie back a cowgirls hair. 6. a measuring tool 7. a cloth to wipe perspiration from ones face 8. a mask or disguise to hide ones face, like a robber 9. blindfold to lead a spooked animal or horse from a burning barn 10. a covering to protect ones face from the elements like a dust storm or a blizzard 11. A handkerchief to blow ones nose 12. a handkerchief to dry a ladys tears. 13. a sling fir an injured arm 14. protection for the neck from the sun 15.

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