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userdel u1 to delete users /home users are created here rm -rf u* /root is a home directory for root pwd

-- present working directory useradd u1 creates user u1 cat /etc/passwd we can see created users users above 500 are users created by us chage -l u3 to set expiry date chage -E 2012-07-10 u3 after htat 1 day he can login chage -l u3 userdel -r delete user home directory n history useradd -f 10 u7 upto 10 days he can login useradd -f 0 u8 upon complete of date he cant login locking existing user : cat /etc/passwd shows users usermod -L u8 executed succesfully log off from root n login to u8 n check usermod -U u8 to unlock passwd u7 create group: groupadd GA groupadd CA cat /etc/group usermod -G GA u8 adding users in group usermod -G ML u6 vi or cat /etc/group groupadd -g 2000 helpdesk deleting group will delete only group but no t users passswd -d u8 we not need password delete passwd login passwd with ou t pwd

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