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Great meeting today. Below are some summary notes: - Use S.E.T.T.

as idea generation medium and to post ideas to seek responses from group members and if enough likes/comments for people wanting to get involved we can look into idea further; also can use medium to simply get opinion/perspectives on idea - For profit with positive impact vs. addressing a social need - can potentially come up with a business as a BYPRODUCT of S.E.T.T.; doesn't need to be our primary goal to come up with a business - projects briefly discussed:
y y y y

Recycling based programs in developing world (Zohaib's idea) -> plastic waste refunds? Geographic Information System for NGO's to consolidate data and resources (Naheed's baby)--> Orion can help out An extension of locra Crowd sourcing solutions for international development problems

- links posted on skype convo:

y y y y y y y (SO COOL!!!)

- potentially a one hour conference call on a weekly/bi-weekly basis and maybe an in person meeting once a month - first one for some time during July 1st - July 7th?

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