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Mechanisms Underlying the Formation of Edema and Ascites

Christina Chai 3/23/11

Normal Capillary Exchange

Causes of Edema
There are three major physiological causes of edema:

Causes of Edema
There are three major physiological causes of edema: 1. Changes that lead to increased movement of fluid from the vasculature to the

Increase in blood pressure Decrease in capillary osmotic pressure Increased capillary permeability

Causes of Edema
There are three major physiological causes of edema: 1. Changes that lead to increased movement of fluid from the vasculature to the 1. Impaired lymphatic transport

Causes of Edema
There are three major physiological causes of edema: 1. Changes that lead to increased movement of fluid from the vasculature to the 1. Impaired lymphatic transport 1. Renal salt and water retention
Renal failure Heart Failure Systemic vascular resistance

Diseases Associated with Edema

Heart Failure Acute Glomerulonephritis Renal Failure Cirrhosis Hypoalbuminemia Lymphedema praecox

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