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1. Sakonxay 2. Xay 3. SISAVATH 4. 01/01/1977 5. LPDR 6. 7. 856 8. lpdr 9. Treasury Specialist 10. Banking Operations Department 11.

Bank of the Lao P.D.R 12. Bank of the Lao P.D.R 13. P.O Box 19, Yonnet Road 14. Vientiane,Lao P.D.R 15. 16. 856 21-223330 17. 2005 18. - Exchange Rate Analysis Policy - Analysis Financial Market - Analysis Financial position of the government on daily - Monitor liquidity of government basis current account 19. Financial Market analysis 20. business administration management 21. high diploma 22. Boudviseth College 23. lao 24. 2000-2003 25. lao, Thai, English 26. Mr. Phouphet 27. Khamphounvong 28. Governor 29.

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