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To You,
Alive on Purpose to me was more than just a workshop title. Alive on Purpose became the description of who I was and who I was destined to become. I have traveled through some of the roughest experiences in my life which included abandonment, death of parents both natural and mental, adoption/kinship placement, abuse, and various other forms of pain. In these experiences I have directly been taught the importance of support. For me these workshops speak volumes and have the ability to meet you as a teen right where you are, no matter what the experience may have presented. Why? Its not because of the level of education that I have acquired, although education has been achieved. Its simply because I caught the message that was being sent to me all my life. This is the same message that I want you to catch, which says You are ALIVE ON PURPOSE and that there is truly a plan for your life. I am here not only to encourage you but to help you achieve that discovery that lies inside of you, a discovery that makes everything make sense. Its the reason why you are here. Its called your purpose! Sincerely,

Latoyia D. Jones

~ Broken ~ Confused ~ Abused ~ Hurt ~ This was me! A young girl often lost in what my life story was writing but often found trying to connect with who I truly was. I became victim to my own thoughts and my own insecurities until finally PURPOSE broke free.

Teen Workshop Topics Include:

Grief Recovery ~ Esteem ~ Mother/Father Wounds ~ Purpose ~ and many more.

Please Email: For more information or to join the Alive on Purpose Newsletter Blast ~ includes testimonies, helpful tips, lessons and much more

I am willing to be used of the Lord. Let it happen to me as you have said Luke 1:38

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