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> Diccionario de la Real Academia Espaola, 22. edicin: 1. adj. Perteneciente o relativo al estilo de quien habla o escribe. 2. f. Estudio del estilo de la expresin lingstica en general.

> Merriam-Webster Dictionary: 1. an aspect of literary study that emphasizes the analysis of various elements of style (as metaphor and diction) 2. the study of the devices in a language that produce expressive value > Encyclopedic Dictionary of Applied Linguistics: A Handbook for Language Teaching (Johnson, K. & Johnson, H.; 1998): In general terms, stylistics is the study of factors governing the linguistic choices made by individuals or social groups. More particularly, the term refer to literary stilistics, and the way linguistic form amplifies meaning in literary texts. Initially inspired by Roman Jakobson's identification of a poetic function in which the message form is all-important (Jakobson, 1960), stylistics has often been concerned with deviation from normal usage, and linguistic patterning, particularly in poetry. In recent years stylistics has moved away from this formal approach, and adopted a view of literariness as a quality relative to context.

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